Shock in the Commons as an MP is accused of abusing doorkeeper during tense vote

MPs reacted with shock and fury this evening after it was claimed one of their number swore at a House of Commons doorkeeper while voting.

Amid tense votes over Lords amendments to the Government’s flagship Rwanda Bill, Deputy Speaker Sir Roger Gale warned of severe consequences if the MP is identified.

Demanding silence from the chamber, an angry Sir Roger said: “Before we proceed, I’m informed a member swore at one of the doorkeepers this evening, who on my instructions locked the doors”.

“If that person is identified, the consequences will be very severe.”

The public warning prompted cheers of approval from MPs of all sides.

However a short while later, the supposed culprit outed themself, though denied swearing at anyone in particular.

Left-wing MP Clive Lewis stood up to make the confession, putting on the record his apology to MPs and members of staff “for an earlier outburst which I had”.

He explained: “I received a message which caused me some consternation and surprise, to which I made an outburst in general to no-one specifically”.

“If I could do it again I probably would have said something like ‘my giddy aunt’ rather than what did come out my mouth and for that I apologise – but just to clear the air and put on record the fact it was directed at no-one in particular.”

Despite promising “very severe” consequences for the culprit, Sir Roger Gale said he appreciated the MPs’ candour in identifying himself and his apology which he accepted.

MPs guilty of disorderly behaviour can be named by the Speaker or his deputies and ordered to leave the chamber.

If their behaviour persists they can be ordered to withdraw from the House for the rest of the day.

According to the Commons rule-book, the Speaker can call on the Sergeant at Arms to remove them if they fail to withdraw immediately from the House.

The Government won all its votes and will send the Rwanda Bill back to the House of Lords to see whether they now accept the Bill as MPs intended.


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