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Joan Tardà argues that ERC should not block Illa's investiture after the twelve millionth fiasco

The former spokesperson of Esquerra Republicana in the Congress of Deputies, Joan Tardà, assured this Wednesday that he is in favor of his party not blocking the investiture of the socialist Salvador Illa. “It's about competing and working together at the same time, because if we do that it is possible to build a common path” to face Catalonia's future challenges, the Republican said in an interview with La2. Oriol Junqueras, president of the party, yesterday argued for maintaining a certain equality compared to supporting the PSC or Carles Puigdemont, who also says he will try to form the government with a maneuver that involves Illa abstaining.

Tardà does not have an organic position, but his ideas are very well received within the ranks of the party. The former deputy has not become involved in a specific formula to continue the investiture with Illa at the helm and has used the term “collaborative opposition.” He has also refused to support the former president – ​​“we cannot build tribal projects” – and advises his party against opting for a blockade that would force a recurrence. “It would be like cutting your veins,” he defended.

Tardà also hopes that the leadership led by Oriol Junqueras and Marta Rovira will convene an electoral congress in the “coming months” where the bases can agree on corrections to the political strategy after last Sunday's electoral setback. However, the Republican has defended the current road map, “which is the right one.” “No unilateralism and yes to the accumulation of forces [a favor del independentismo] and capture broad fronts and the negotiating space,” he emphasized. Tardà has defended that dialogue with the government should continue because “it is a democratic conquest.”

On March 15, the Republicans lost 13 seats and Pere Aragonès failed in his attempt to reassert the presidency of the Generalitat. Last Monday he announced that he was taking responsibility and leaving the front line of politics. Now all eyes are on Junqueras, who for the time being continues to lead the team despite the voices, including that of Aragonès, who without naming him directly when they call for more responsibilities.

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