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Zapatero uses humor to respond to Milei with a stick, including Felipe González

#Live | Zapatero ironically comments on Milei's photo with Spanish businessmen: “Poor men who are being discriminated against right now. Look how discriminated they are! Look at the photos of the powerful!” pic.twitter.com/o3oXW2OFMQ

— Europa Press (@europapress) May 19, 2024

Criticism of the PP

Zapatero has criticized the fact that while the PSOE talks about Europe, the PP “already knows” what they are going to hear in the campaign, because it is “the least original party in all of Europe.” “These are European elections, but Sánchez, Sánchez and Sánchez. I don't know if they want to make him President of the European Commission, but he is not and they will go to the Netherlands with the European People's Party to campaign in Lithuania, they will go there and even more Sánchez, and if they If the United States is between Trump and Biden, they will say they lose Sánchez,” he said ironically.

“They must improve creativity and innovation,” he advised the PP, because “it is always the same, little originality, there is no day when they are happy,” although the economy “grows as it grows, social efforts are made or the country will again have a record in terms of the influx of tourists.” “This country is more about smiles, affection, empathy and little about anger, rage, disqualification and less about personal insults.”as they do every day with the president of the government,” he added.

For example, he advocated a “democracy of respectwhat is the best respect for democracy, to lead with respect,” and has indicated that he hopes that “this campaign is that example of respect, that for once the PP lets go of that instinct of only disqualification and confrontation.”

'We do not want to be the opponents of the conservatives, because Europe was built with the centre-right. We do not want to be the adversaries, much less the enemies“What we want is for the right not to join the ship of the far right, which we see every day,” he said.

Defense of the Palestinian state

On the other hand, Zapatero has gone back to 1914 to recall that Pablo Iglesias “when the First World War was just beginning, he spoke of the immense tragedy that is war and said that perhaps only socialists can achieve peace.” From there he pointed out that “Europe was born of peace, it is the benchmark for peace in the world, but Europe is not only peace in Ukraine,” also peace in Gaza, “so that this barbarism, where thousands children have died unjustly, which should outrage us, because “We are not made of stone and we shout in favor of the Palestinian state.”

In this sense, the former president has proclaimed feel “proud” of the government and Pedro Sánchez “Because he has had the courage to denounce the barbarity in Israel and because he will have the courage to recognize Palestine in its historic rights, for peace and for justice.”

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