Exciting. The lesson of a council>

The Cub's brothers took advantage of this opportunity by accepting the Pope's invitation to go to Rome. The archbishop offered to go, as did Paloma Saborido, a member of the Vatican commission. But older brother José Luis Aldea did not want them to have the foreseeable bad time. Because he knew that a highly identified group would prevent the invitation from being accepted by acclamation. Absurd questions and opinions were heard that were so inappropriate that even the spiritual director had to answer one. Another asked to see the reports guaranteeing the safety of the statue. As if those who want the statue to go there didn't care. One day it will be necessary to consider limiting the powers of the councils in view of the way society is evolving.

Fixed date. A few days ago, Cardinal José Cobo of Madrid said that the issue of unifying the celebration was not a priority. But now we see that in the bull calling for the Holy Year “Spes non confundit”, the Pope again speaks about the issue and the desire that all Christians celebrate Easter at the same time, and warns sailors against those who make excuses. festive: Francis himself already refers in the bull to the Holy Year 2033, the second millennium of redemption. And as if all this succession of anniversaries isn't enough, 2026 will mark 1,700 years since Saint Helena discovered the so-called cross of Christ. Fermiiiin! You dare?

Medals of Seville. They provided the world with abundant water during Holy Week. There is the posthumous recognition of Antonio Burgos and Alberto Gallardo; that of the Brotherhood of the Star celebrating a jubilee year, that of Garrido Bustamante, the band of the Red Cross, that of José Antonio Maldonado at the proposal of his brotherhood of Soledad de San Lorenzo, that of Doctor Fernando de la Portilla, excellent brother of the Vera Cruz… Finally the time has come for Garrido. It is not only a recognition of one of the pioneers of television in Andalusia, but also of someone who has done much more than we think to broadcast the brotherhoods in the most professional way possible.

Pilgrimage. This year the Rocío poster wasn't very good, starting with the versatile Almonte poster. But Triana's, which initially caused surprise, has its thing. Due to a communication error, the brotherhood presented on a poster the model of the process that culminated in the five works of Manuel León. The five posters with the silhouette and abstraction of the image are really interesting. There are many Roceros who wear this silhouette as a medal. So you see how important it is to communicate things well.

Dime store. The coronation mantle of the Piedad that Rosado is embroidering, designed by Sánchez de los Reyes, is progressing very well. Some of the best will be the color, a very bright Prussian blue velvet. She also debuts a hyacinth-colored skirt that will crown the Virgin with Pacheco's immaculate colors. What a coincidence. The Virgin of Kings in 1904 and the Macarena in 1964 also wore Conceptionist colors – in this case blue and white – at their respective coronations. The Virgin of the Kings in the act itself and the Macarena in the preparatory triduum.

Macarena. Ten years will have passed since the spectacular procession of 2014. David Hurtado will remember this by presenting the new instrumentation of the march “Como tu none” that he arranged to give it more power. It will be released soon.

The confessional

«They have to negotiate who will participate in the procession, whether all participants will go or only our brotherhoods. It seems clear that La Puebla would go after the throne along with El Cachorro and the Esperanza gang. What wouldn't surprise me is that it was a different formation that would open the parade. And do you know the one they are talking to me about? Think of Cadiz. There is the Junta fetish gang who will provide money for the whole operation. Is it true that the Museum invited Saint Paul and Saint Geneviève to go out on Holy Monday because they had stayed indoors? They tell me that the deans will continue to fight not to be the last.

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