The mayor of Alpedrete withdraws and leaves the names of Paco Rabal and Asunción Balaguer on the local map

Alpedrete Town Hall (Community of Madrid), from the Popular Party, has reversed the decision to withdraw the names of the actors Paco Rabal and Asunción Balaguer of the local street map of the municipality of Madrid. All this after the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, demanded that she correct “the magnitude of the wrong”.

In a statement, the council confirmed the city's next board of directors will restore the name of the square and the cultural center, At the same time, he acknowledged that the city council was unable to explain the name change. “It is clear that we have not been able to explain the intention of this change, which was at no time intended to undermine or despise the cultural heritage of two people, not only by the residents of Alpedrete, but also by the country. as a whole, and to comply with any other will existing in the municipality,” he said.

As explained by the municipal council, the municipal government team had “recognized the will of the residents to name” a road space in the municipality with the name Plaza de España, as well as “Las Canteras” after another place in the municipality. Thus, he recalled that, “with the greatest respect for two illustrious figures”, it was thought to “transfer the name of Paco Rabal and Asunción Balaguer to the Municipal Theater, which today no longer has a name” and the creation of the Group from Teatro Asunción Balaguer “to fulfill a promise” that, in his opinion, the previous progressive government has abandoned since 2016.

The Alpedrete government has defended that “it understands culture based on freedom, plurality and diversity'and, as he has emphasized, 'no action has been guided, nor will it be guided, by the ideological sectarianism so typical of the left, which understands culture as a private domain and which honors and places only streets and squares for people ' who think like them.” “This is a government that listens, that cares for its neighbors and that at street level. Despite all this, I want to repeat it our respect and affection for Paco Rabal and Asunción Balaguer and in this sense, the next government council will restore the name of the square and the cultural center,” he emphasized.

Rejection of Díaz Ayuso

The president of Madrid has broken her silence on the local controversy through her social networks, where she has warned about it From the autonomous government and from the PP of Madrid they are “totally against” of the decision of the councilor, of his party, and that has led to strong rejection within the cultural world. In this sense, the President of Madrid defended a 'free and plural' culture on its social networks he rejects any 'censorship', 'erasure' or 'ideological sectarianism'.

“From the Community of Madrid and the PP of Madrid, we are completely against the decision of the popular mayor of Alpedrete to remove the names of Paco Rabal and Asunción Balaguer from a square and the culture house. Nowadays we have requested rectification due to such an error. Neither censorship, nor expulsion, nor ideological sectarianism. Culture must be free and pluralistic“Ayuso published.

Neighbors, faces of the culture and relatives gathered in Alpedrete on Saturday afternoon to demand that the municipal council, controlled by PP and Vox, keep the names of Rabal and Balaguer, who have lived in the city for years, on the municipal map.

The names of Plaza de Paco Rabal and Casa de la Cultura Asunción Balaguer appeared on the map of the municipality of Madrid since 2001 and 2015 respectively, but since the end of April, following a decision by the local government, these locations have been named Plaza de España and La Cantera cultural center. Ultimately, everything has remained an anecdote and the names of both artists are being restored.

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