BBC Bargain Hunt viewers were left fuming as a team forwent an item on expert Mark Stacey’s advice despite having fallen in love with it. The latest installment of the show saw the team decamp to the Newark Antiques Fair in Nottinghamshire where the red team, students and friends Jodie and Layla, were partnered up with expert Mark Stacey.
With 13 minutes left to go, the reds still had one item to buy. Layla found a cute pig moneybox and delightedly showed it to Mark and Jodie. While Jodie loved it, Mark was not nearly as enamoured, saying: “You’re not serious. Let’s get this straight you bought two wonderful art deco evening bags, a lovely continental silver box with coger. And now you want to buy a plastic pig money box – oh it could be pottery.”
Having negotiated the buyer downt to £15 from the asking price of £20 she implored: “Look at the way he looks at you. He wants you to buy him. Look into his eyes Mark – he’s telling you something.”
“Yes, he is telling me something,” the expert agreed. “That’s to get another job.” But you love it, I can see you love it.” He told the disappointed girls that it would probably be valued at £10-£15 at auction. As Layla said they would keep it at the back of their minds, she put it back.
With just a few minutes left to go, Layla admitted she was still thinking about the pig. Mark asked her if she could get it for less than £15 and she ran back to the trader, but her negotiation came to nothing. Running out of time, they settled on a porcelain tiger for £55. However, adding insult to injury, Mark then said he would have gone for the pig after initally discouraging them.
Viewers were very much on the girls’ side about the purchase and annoyed that they missed out. They took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to air their thoughts.
@mrxt500 said: “#BargainHunt The pig was a no-brainer – would’ve ended up in a Butcher’s shop window, £30 – £40 all day long at auction.” @steve_evo commented: ” Rather have the pig #bargainhunt.”
@Simo21537664 write: “Better off with the pig.#BargainHunt.” @Basweld1 raged: “Let em have that pig.. #bargainhunt.”
@steve_evo implored: “Trot off and get the pig #bargainhunt.” Meanwhile @Simo21537664 specualted that Mark had an ulterior motive opining: “Hope he buys the pig as the bonus buy.#BargainHunt.”
When it came to the auction, Layla was actually ill, leaving Jodie on her own. She didn’t miss much as their items did not prove popular.
Their art deco bags lost £68 – selling for a mere £32. While their embossed silver box fared better – after purchasing it for £65 – it lost £5. However the tiger, which they selected instead of the pig, only sold for £25 – losing them a whopping £30. They eventually lost £85 overall following the sale of Mark’s bonus item, a tiny teddy bear.
While the blue team’s items fared equally as badly, they pulled it back with expert Catherine Southon’s bonus buy – a vintage nutcracker whch sold for £150 – bringing them a £5 profit to win the show.
Bargain Hunt is on BBC One weekdays at 12.15pm