Gladiators fans have taken aim at Bradley Walsh’s son Barney, after feeling unimpressed with his efforts at co-hosting Saturday’s installment of the BBC’s show revival this evening. Some took to Twitter (X) to lash out with claims of “nepotism”, suggesting that the 26-year-old’s fame is purely down to the success of his famous dad.
@DoktorWatson quizzed: “Can you feel the power of the Nepotism?”, while others echoed his sentiments about Barney with chants of “Take him off! Take him off!” Others were more measured about the duo, but said they would prefer to see the father over the son, while one suggested This Morning star Rochelle Humes would be a better candidate for presenter.
“I’m impressed at how well they’ve managed to edit out the chants of “Who are ya?! Who are ya?!” when Bradley Walsh’s son enters the arena,” joked @flumcake. @Melwelshbird added: “#Gladiators I love Bradley Walsh but for me Barney isn’t working, he’s not a natural presenter, he looks out of his depth. I feel this is nepotism at its finest.”
Meanwhile, @alibabakordi echoed: “I love #Gladiators & the remake is fully of nostalgia BUT I think we need a Ninja warrior style presenting team next series. It needs a ‘Rochelle Humes’ in the mix!!!”
@TheWilkMaid remarked: “This presenter is an outstanding example of nepotism. How do they get away with this? The only thing that puts me off this show. #Gladiators.”
@RSLASSOR chimed: “This young lad in the blue suit has zero patter. Terrible host #gladiators.”