On Friday’s instalment of Coronation Street, viewers saw Lauren Bolton (played by Cait Fitton) and Bobby Donovan (Jack Carroll) grow closer as he went around her house for a date. As the duo started kissing, he went to take off her hoody before she grimaced in pain.
As she exposed horrible bruises on her arm, she quickly covered them up before making excuses for how she got them. Although it was clear Bobby wasn’t believing any of it.
Over the past few weeks, ITV viewers have seen Lauren try and end things off with a mystery man as they continue to call and leave gifts. Making it clear she wanted nothing left to do with him, it looked as though they weren’t taking no for an answer as they paid her a visit.
After seeing the horrible abuse she’s suffering at the hands of someone, many fans think it could spark the comeback of soap villain Nathan Curtis (Christopher Harper). @mikepriestley13 asked: “What are them bruises on Lauren? What is she involved with? Could it be Nathan she’s involved with? Bethany’s groomer from years back? #Corrie”
@rosskiernan_ added: “Is Lauren’s boyfriend Nathan (Bethany’s abusive ex) by any chance? #corrie.” @Max_Meena1 questioned: “Not watching Corrie currently but I’m seeing people say Nathan could be Lauren’s ex, surely Bethany would be alerted if he was let out?”
@soapextras tweeted: “I fear it’s something Corrie will do at some point though as Bethany is back and they love trauma.”
@penniless_poet said: “Christ we’ve got Liam in a horrendous storyline and now it looks like Lauren is being physically abused – possibly by her older boyfriend.”
@WhoPotterVian added: “Lauren’s bruised on her shoulder? Is it really just an OnlyVids account…? #Corrie”
Before Nathan’s exit from the cobbles, fans will remember he was part of a gang which groomed young girls, which Bethany Platt (Lucy Fallon) fell victim to.
As Bethany made her way back to Weatherfield at the start of the year, could her evil ex-boyfriend be close behind and already targeted his next victim?
At the end of Friday night’s episode, Bobby bumped into Max Turner (Paddy Beaver) and Sabrina Adetiba (Luana Santos) as they came together to share their fears about Lauren.
Bobby revealed he saw bad bruises on her as he questioned whether or not they knew who her ex-boyfriend was. Max confessed Lauren is now doing O-Vidz content, as they all become increasingly concerned for her safety.
After learning Lauren is making online content, Max suggested the adult work could now have transpired into real life.
Whoever the mystery man is in the teen’s life, their reveal is set to be explosive as newcomer Jack Carroll teased he is involved in a blockbuster storyline this year.
Appearing on This Morning at the start of the year, the soap star said: “I only found out yesterday the kind of nuts and bolts of what the story is, and it’s very, very exciting. I would even go so far as to say blockbuster.
“There’s always a little bit of apprehension, because I’d only been there a week or a couple of weeks, and then I found out that I was going to be a part of this massive storyline.”
Coronation Street continues Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on ITV from 8pm.