The Apprentice fans saw 18 entrepreneurs enter the boardroom on Thursday night, all hopeful to secure a £250,000 investment along with his mentorship. During the episode, the team were taken to Scotland where they were tasked with putting on memorable away days.
Divided into two separate teams, they each had to take different companies on a string of fun activities before a meal at the end. However, during the girls’ dining experience things took a turn.
While making fishcakes, they accidentally used sweet crumble instead of breadcrumbs. Noticing the blunder, Baroness Karren Brady told the camera: “The girls have been using crumble, which is sweet, on the fishcakes because they thought they were breadcrumbs.
“The client wants a five-star experience, well I don’t think you can give any stars to crumble on a fishcake.” Later on in the episode, the clients enjoying their away trip sat down to enjoy their meal, although it wasn’t long before they noticed something wasn’t right.
Pulling one of the candidates aside, they highlighted it tasted different. He said: “I’m not convinced the fish cakes have got breadcrumbs on it. It’s very floury, it’s quite sweet, I think it’s possibly crumble? I’m pretty much underwhelmed at the moment, being candid.”
Heading into the kitchen to try and get to the bottom of what was wrong, Karren was forced to step in and reveal what they’d done.
As they learnt they’d cooked their meal with crumble instead of breadcrumbs, they were stumped.
Candidate Sam Saadet said: “Oh my god, this food service is an absolute disaster. It is just chaos, absolute chaos.” Going back out to the clients, they apologised for the mistake as they told them it was no excuse.
Things went from bad to worse for the team as when it came to dessert, the dish was raw, leaving their guests less than impressed.
It wasn’t long before BBC viewers took to Twitter to call out the epic blunder.
@Schlubalybub commented: “Blimey this is embarrassing.”
@rogernook tweeted: “This catering is embarrassing.”
@GothicR23062886 added: “Can’t wait till lord sugar learns about the crumble fishcakes.”
@kirsty952002 said: “Yet again, I am totally speechless at #TheApprentice. These “candidates” who are supposed to be business brains. I’m no genius, but seriously crumble mix for breadcrumbs?!?”
@LifeofSprucey commented: “Crumble on the fishcakes [sic]. I swear the candidates get even more pointless each season.”
@ThomasWhit21956 added: “CRUMBLE FISHCAKES where do find these people.”
However, they weren’t the only team who faced a mistake in the kitchen either as the boys faced a crisis of their own.
While making dessert, one of the men forgot to add flour to the brownies, which resulted in them having to remake it.
In the end, viewers learnt the women spent a total of £1,676.07 on their day with a profit of £1,266.43, however, due to 40% of people asking for a refund they only made £122.43.
For the boys, they spent £1,756.40 and made a profit of £643.60, although 52% of their guests asked for a refund, which gave them a loss of £506.40.
After an intense boardroom meeting, it was Oliver who became the first fired candidate of the series.
The Apprentice continues Thursday on BBC One from 9pm.