In the latest episode of the ITV quiz show, host Bradley Walsh introduced a fresh batch of contestants all hopeful of walking away with some cash. When asking them all which chaser they wanted to face, player David revealed a past connection.
He told The Chase presenter: “I’d like to take on The Governess because she played my mum and beat my mum.” When it was his time to face Anne Hegerty himself, he managed to answer three questions correctly in the cashbuilder.
David explained his mum was on the show seven years ago and lost to the quizzing expert. Bradley said: “Ah right ok, so you’ve come for revenge?”
Laughing, the contestant replied: “Of course!”. When Anne offered him the extra option of playing for either £1,000 or £33,000, Bradley told her: “This is family vengeance you know that don’t you?”
Although her high offer was generous, David decided to play for the low offer of £1,000 to try and take it back to the table. Sadly, he was no match for Anne and was caught at the table, being sent home like his mum.
Asking where his mother was caught on the table, David revealed she was two from home.
Commenting on his exit, Anne said: “I respect the desire to salvage family honour.
“I mean that’s why I went on 15 to 1, my dad had gone on and got the first two questions wrong. I thought, ‘I could do better than that!’”
In the end, it was only Andrew and Jo who made it through to the final chase and were playing for a total of £12,000.
Being given two minutes on the clock, they were tasked with answering as many questions as they could to set a high target for Anne.
With a two-step head start, they managed to answer 18 correctly which gave them a total of 20.
Speaking about their score, Anne said: “Very impressive target indeed.”
However, when it came to Anne’s turn at the table, their target was no match for her.
With one second left on the clock, she managed to catch up with their score, resulting in them going home empty-handed.
Speaking about their loss, Bradley said: “What a match that was!
“Four attempts to push back, two executed, caught with one second remaining.”
The Chase continues weekdays on ITV from 5pm.