On Friday’s instalment of The Chase, ITV viewers saw four players try and take home their share of some prize money. During the episode, the contestants learnt they were going head-to-head with Shaun ‘The Dark Destroyer’ Wallace.
Although all four players earned high amounts in the cashbuilder, only three had earned a spot in the final chase. When the last person made it through, Shaun told Bradley Walsh he should’ve caught them at the table.
Admitting it was going to be an interesting final chase, the three contestants were playing for their share of £17,000. Being given a three-step head start, the team managed to correctly answer 11 questions.
This meant they had set a target of 14 for Shaun to try and beat within two minutes. Bradley told them the number wasn’t that bad as it had been a winning score before.
When Shaun got to the table, he told the host the contestant’s questions weren’t easy before it was his turn to try and match 14. However, when it came down to answering the questions, there were a few times Shaun failed to get them right.
With the players being given the opportunity to push Shaun back four times, they managed to do so on every question.
In a nail-biting chase, Shaun had one question left to answer before his two minutes ran out.
Luckily for the contestants, he didn’t get to answer the last question and they were victorious, taking their share of £17,000.
Speaking about their win, Bradley said: “Wow, brilliant stuff! Congratulations.”
Although Shaun didn’t seem to be phased by the defeat as he commented: “That’s the way it goes.”
However, it wasn’t long before some viewers took to Twitter to share their thoughts on the showdown as many believe The Chase star threw the game for the players to win.
@EdgarIrene said: “I love Shaun of all the Chasers – he comes across as a really nice bloke. However, I do feel as though he sometimes gives it away on purpose!”
@FaxBrony added: “How many times has Shaun failed to catch 14?”
@ArtForAndysSake commented: “Shaun threw that.”
@LTFC_Dave tweeted: “Shaun failing to catch an under-par score again.”
@SenorApple2014 said: “Yet again, Shaun, you screwed it all up! You literally cannot make this up – oh wait, YES YOU CAN!”
The Chase continues weekdays on ITV from 5pm.