On Sunday night’s instalment of Trigger Point, ITV viewers saw Lana Washington (played by Vicky McClure) determined to find out who was responsible for killing Thom Youngblood (Mark Stanley). Along the way, she continued her intense job of disposing of bombs.
In one scene, fans watched Lana disconnect an explosive device after a man had been forced to hold onto the detonator. However, as she approached the person to do her job, viewers quickly noticed a habit the character does each time.
@WistfulCass said: “Wish Lana wouldn’t keep taking her helmet off [sic] when she’s actually doing bomb disposal.”@ThisTVGuy reeled: “Lana – wears helmet [sic]. Lana sees bomb – removes helmet.”
@John73825 commented: “What is the point of her wearing a helmet if she keeps taking it off when she is near a device.#TriggerPoint.” @Magdadefiant added: “Can anyone explain why Lana takes her protective helmet off every time she approaches a potential explosive device? #triggerpoint.”
With @JackHollands58 tweeting: “#TriggerPoint Why does she bother wearing a helmet to begin with? She always takes it off.” However, one fan offered viewers an explanation as they mentioned the actress had once addressed it herself.
@BruntonElle replied: “Vicky explained this in an interview re season 1: the expert she worked with told her they are for when you might be caught in the blast radius. If you’re next to the bomb when it goes off it’s not going to do anything so may as well be more comfortable & not hamper vision.” (sic)
Elsewhere in the episode, fans saw a mysterious informant called Alex (Tomiwa Edun) shed some light on who the terror group is.
Calling Lana and DS Helen Morgan (Natalie Simpson) to a warehouse, he explained they refer to themselves as ‘The Wave’ who believe society is unjust.
Alex explained they are riding on a current of discontent and want to sweep away the entire system they deem to be corrupt.
Explaining to them both that he hates violence, he wanted to offer the police a deal, he’ll help bring down the terror group in exchange for complete immunity.
Although they were dubious about trusting Alex, he gave them a tip regarding a bomb that was going to explode which had been planted by The Wave.
Once he saw a photo of a man on their laptop, he sent an image of it to Lana and Helen who managed to find out where he worked.
As they rushed to his office, aware a bomb was about to go off, they were too late as they made it to the building just as it detonated.
A synopsis for the next episode reads: “Alex contacts the police with critical information about a new attack planned for that day.
“But Commander Francis warns the team against placing too much trust in him.
“When the attack does come, it’s shocking in its ingenuity. In an attempt to save lives, Lana puts her own on the line – and earns herself a reprimand from Hass, who’s struggling to adjust to his demotion since her return from secondment.”
Trigger Point continues Sundays on ITV from 9pm.