an outbreak detected on a poultry farm in Brittany

This is the first confirmed outbreak in France since January 16.

Contamination by seabirds

“The main hypothesis is contamination by wild animals. Indeed, this outbreak is located near an area naturally exposed to contamination through wildlife, while several cases have been observed in seabirds along the Brittany coast in recent weeks,” the press release states .

In accordance with sanitary management rules, the home has been depopulated and will be disinfected while a protection zone (3 km around the home) and a surveillance zone (10 km) have been established.

Strict health measures

To control the risk of the spread of the virus, the movement of poultry is prohibited in these areas where strict health measures must be observed and where surveillance of farms is strengthened.

As a result of this detection, France loses its “HPAI Free” status. This status can be recovered 28 days after the end of cleaning and disinfection operations and in the absence of new outbreaks.

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