Chassé-croisé: more than 1,000 kilometers of traffic jams recorded since midday, a terrible day for drivers returning from holiday

Bison Futé had predicted it and he was not wrong, the day turned out to be very long for the drivers, especially in the Great West. More than 1,000 kilometers of cumulative gridlock were recorded by noon. By 7 p.m., they persisted on a few busy roads, but had subsided over most of the territory.

The Bison Futé Organization had classified day this Saturday, August 17 at the red minimum in the direction of returns for all of France and even black for the North-West quarter.

And unfortunately for the drivers, the Bison Futé was not wrong. By noon, more than 1,000 kilometers of traffic jams were recorded (1,037 kilometers accumulated to be exact). On the return routes, “traffic will be very dense from early morning until late evening, departing from the western regions (A10 and A11 in particular), and from the Mediterranean coast (A7, A8 and A9)”, warned the specialist . the website. An accuracy that ultimately turned out to be quite accurate because, at 7 p.m., many difficulties were still presentespecially on the A7, A10 and in the Paris region.

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in spite of everything after this peak was reached around noontraffic eased before reaching a new peak around 4 p.m. with nearly 800 kilometers of gridlock. Since then, the roads have been cleared even if at 7:00 p.m. there are still almost 400 kilometers of traffic jams.

If we can hope for calmer, Sunday was also classified as red by the information center.

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