New names for Matignon
While Bernard Cazeneuve (PS) seemed the favorite to be appointed to Matignon, new names came to disturb the forecast. Proof that Emmanuel Macron has not yet found his ideal personality. Our file .
For Carole Delga, “we have to stop the journey to the Absurd”
Monday, September 2, Carole Delga held the press conference after returning to school . In front of journalists, the president of the Occitanie region conveyed the “exasperation and despair of the French” in the face of a political crisis still without a solution. And if she thinks that Bernard Cazeneuve would be a good prime minister, Thierry Beaudet's hypothesis hardly appeals to her.
Read also:
INTERVIEW. The new prime minister: for Carole Delga, “we must stop the journey towards the absurd”