She continued: “To be fair to Fred, he made peace with Nigel and then they shared a couple of jokes and that was it.
“Nigel is used to these discussions and he didn’t back down, did he? It’s easy peasy.
“He’s been dealing with enemies and attacks and jokes for decades, we’re talking about serious stuff like death threats or threats to family members and things like that.
“Having an argument with Fred or Nella isn’t going to faze him at all.”
During the televised row, Mr Farage hit back at the French maitre d’hotel, pointing out that there were even bigger issues in European economies.
When Mr Sirieux said that the UK was making a mess of it, Mr Farage responded: “The point about it is we can make a mess of it ourselves if we choose to.”
Afterwards, Mr Farage said: “Fred can’t help himself occasionally.
“Occasionally, that bubbling resentment and anger brims up to the surface.”
Ms Ferrari suggested that the ITV bosses may be disappointed with the lack of fireworks in the camp, saying that the GB News presenter has “a lot of patience”.
Later in the interview, she said the Brexiteer would make a good Prime Minister. This comes as Boris Johnson’s father, Stanley Johnson, urged Rishi Sunak to let Mr Farage join the Conservative Party
He said the Tories should “open their arms” to the former Brexit party leader to reverse their sinking poll numbers.
Mr Johnson added: “I think we definitely need him as part of the troops. I think that he is going to help us save quite a lot of what we might call the red wall.”