INFO AT DEPACHES. The former beautician convicted in court injects a product into her client, the victim begins to convulse

The client of a former beautician, who injects aesthetic products outside of any legal framework, began to convulse dangerously on Saturday in an apartment on rue Bayard in Toulouse. The police opened an investigation.

What product could he have used? The client of a pseudo-esthetician thought her last days had arrived, Saturday, in an apartment on rue Bayard in Toulouse. Firefighters were called when she had dangerous convulsions, following the injection of an as-yet-unidentified product. Emergency services attended to the victim; she was transported to Purpan Hospital. His life was not in danger.

The former beautician runs away

However, when the police arrived, the apprentice beautician fled. According to information from At Dépêche du Midi, the 24-year-old victim had products injected into her hips and buttocks.

Processes that are currently in vogue, with some women using these non-surgical techniques to sexualize their bodies. Increase volume, redefine their contours or smooth out their wrinkles. Techniques that are not without risks, especially when they are carried out outside any legal framework.

The customer had contacted the beautician on the Instagram social network. She had paid a deposit before showing up for her first injection on Saturday.

Chinese products discovered in the apartment

During the search, syringes as well as vials containing several products were found hidden in a trash can in the apartment, where these injections were performed in questionable sanitary conditions. She has been subletting this accommodation since March.

“Some products have European lab labels, but others are Chinese products,” worries a source close to the matter. Also according to our information, the suspect would have returned to the apartment, “not to try to hide evidence, but rather to recover products with a high market value” we are told.

The accused already had dealings with the law

The 41-year-old suspect, born in Kinshasa (DRC), is known to the courts. A former beauty salon manager, she was summoned to appear in court last April for illegally practicing medicine following a complaint by the doctors' association.

Arrested by the police, this woman was taken into custody where she cooperated.

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