MaPrimeRénov': energy assistance could decrease from January 2025… Why you should take advantage of it now

While the funding bill is not yet on the agenda and the state needs to tighten its belt for 2025, the “MaPrimeRénov” energy aid scheme may well see its ambitions diminished. Since then, the candidate for this boost has only a few months left to benefit from it.

The future of MaPrimeRénov', the flagship aid for energy renovation, looks increasingly uncertain. With a 2025 budget under high pressure and a public deficit that could reach 6.2% of GDP, rumors of a cut in this aid are becoming more pressing. For homeowners still hesitant to begin their work, the question is no longer “when,” but rather “how long until conditions change?”

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Nathaniel Corcos, founder and CEO of Tuco, a company specializing in administrative support for individuals with renovation-related procedures, confirms this: “The current government wants to further encourage large-scale renovations, that is, comprehensive and efficient renovations, which especially target the most modest households On the other hand, aid for small gestures, such as insulation or changing the heating, should be reduced at the budget level.

Energy aid depends on the political context

But, as he points out, “all this must be taken with reservations, given the uncertainties related to the budget reforms.” Indeed, MaPrimeRénov' is largely dependent on the funding bill that must be submitted to Parliament by October 1. But given the current political situation – no government has yet been appointed – the budget allocated to energy aid still remains unclear. “We have already seen a decrease in premiums for heating with wood between 2022 and 2023, while the incentives for heat pumps have increased slightly,” points out Lucile Buisson, medium project manager, energy and transport at UFC – Que Choisir.

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Launched in 2020 by the National Housing Agency (Anah), MaPrimeRénov' aims to make French homes more energy efficient. It allows owners to finance various insulation, heating or ventilation works, with an amount of assistance that varies according to household income and the type of renovation.

There are two types of aid: gesture renovation, for specific works such as the purchase of boilers, and large-scale renovation, introduced in 2024, which allows you to achieve at least two levels of energy performance.

52% of the French do not know about MaPrimeRénov'

But while it still exists 4.8 million main residences considered energy sites in France52% of French people seem to be unaware of this state aid according to a survey by the Rothelec company. And since 2020, MaPrimeRénov' has enabled the renovation of more than 2.3 million homes, which is quite a bit compared to the 29.5 million French homes. “Administrative procedures are still too cumbersome for many households,” explains Lucile Buisson. “Today, individuals know they are eligible for assistance, but they don't always know what it is, oftentimes professionals refer them,” Tuco's CEO points out.

However, 78% of beneficiaries noted a reduction in heating expenses and 93% improved comfort in their homes according to a Anah satisfaction survey. So professionals are encouraging individuals to take the plunge as quickly as possible before 2025. “This is a key time because no one is safe from a shot at their aid, advises Nathaniel Corcos. As soon as a house can save energy, it must be done without delay.”

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