New Prime Minister: “I don't know what Emmanuel Macron is playing… I can't wait for the cohabitation to begin,” says Lucie Castets

Lucie Castets (NFP) is set to step into Matignon as prime minister if Emmanuel Macron appoints her. “I'm ready to work together as soon as possible,” she says in an interview Marseillaise.

Lucie Castets, the candidate for the post of prime minister proposed by the New Popular Front (NFP) at the end of the legislative elections where the left coalition came first, he says ready to enter Matignonin an interview with Marseillaise.

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If she admits that Emmanuel Macron did not call her, the current director of finance and procurement at the Paris mayor's office is still preparing to take up her duties as head of government. “I'm not trying to put myself at the head of the presidential camp, but to focus on the mission that awaits me. I don't know what he's playing at (editor's note: Emmanuel Macron), I know that France is waiting. for “We take into account the election results, we prepare for this. I am ready to work together as quickly as possible, for the good of the French. I can't wait for coexistence to begin,” she told our colleagues in Marseille.

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Lucie Castets assures: “We are preparing to govern, so obviously the formation of the government will be quick as soon as we are called to responsibilities. For now we are mainly working on the government architecture, that is to consider the perimeters of the various ministries so that they reflect our political priorities as well as possible.”

In front of the names of Xavier Bertrand (LR) or Bernard Cazeneuve (PS), cited in particular to be appointed prime minister in his place, Lucie Castets sweeps with one hand. “I'm surprised by all these names coming out… Xavier Bertrand's party had an extremely low score in the legislative elections, I don't see at all what institutional logic is behind removing his name. For Bernard Cazeneuve, it is the same […] I have a lot of respect for what he did, he is someone who served the country, but when it comes to the person who should be prime minister, he must come from the New Popular Front, respect the election results”, she insists.

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