Nicknamed the “Escape King”, a prisoner authorized to leave prison to obtain his licence

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On August 19, Christophe Khider will be granted leave from the Vendin-le-Vieil prison in Pas-de-Calais to take driving lessons, a decision that divides the authorities and prison unions.

Vendin-le-Vieil prison in Pas-de-Calais is preparing to temporarily release Christophe Khider, a 53-year-old inmate known for his spectacular escapes, so he can take driving lessons. This robber, sentenced to thirty years in criminal prison, got his exit permit on August 19, with nine courses scheduled before taking his driving test.

The decision to grant him leave for driving lessons, despite the adverse opinion of the prison director and the prosecutor, was upheld by the Chamber of Sentencing Appeals (CHAP). This authorization is interpreted by some as an aberration, especially by the union UFAP UNSA Justicewho describes it as a “terrible decision”.

More spectacular escape attempts

The inmate in question attempted to escape by helicopter in 2001 from Fresnes prison, an operation that resulted in three guards being taken hostage. This attempt earned him an additional sentence of fifteen years in prison. In 2002, he was again in the spotlight after the discovery of explosives in his cell at La Santé prison.

He later tried to escape from Lannemezan prison in 2008 and managed to escape from Moulins-Yzeure prison in 2009 before being apprehended.

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