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Pensions: Are you one of the 850,000 people who will receive a €600 transfer on 25 September?

It had been announced for several months. Finally, on September 25, some of the pensioners will receive a transfer of 600 euros. Almost a million people are affected. Here are the criteria used for this payment.

It was a promise that would finally come true. Pension Insurance has provided details of the second round of small pension increases. The exact amounts and timetable are now known and will affect almost one million pensioners.

Why is a transfer announced?

As part of the pension reform, former Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne announced the revaluation of 1.8 million small pensions. This increase in pensions only affected beneficiaries of the increased minimum contribution amount (MiCo), who contributed at least 120 quarters and retired with the full quota. In the process, around 600,000 pensioners benefited from an increase from €1 to €100 – or €50 on average – in the gross pension paid by Carsat. This increase took effect on October 9, 2023.

Who will receive the €600 transfer?

About 850,000 pensioners have not yet been able to benefit from the revaluation. These are those who receive a small pension, with a complex career to rebuild or who retired before 2009. They will receive the revaluation that they have not received for 1 year – that is why this €600 transfer is being announced – and the monthly pension. will increase by approximately fifty euros from October 9, 2024.

How much does the transfer cost?

“The persons concerned will receive an average of 600 euros for retroactivity,” explained Renaud Villard, Cnav's general director, at Parisian. Clearly, this refund of €600 corresponds to what these pensioners should have received for 1 year: €50 x 12 months. The amount is gross, so with CSG, if you are not exempt. As we saw above, the monthly increase in pensions is on average between 1 and 100 euros. Which means that the future transfer could vary from a few tens of euros to over a thousand euros. A letter detailing this exceptional increase will be sent to those concerned from Monday 16 September.

What is the transfer date?

The transfer will be made by bank transfer to the pensioners concerned around September 25.

Will there be an effect on the Agirc-Arrco complementary agreement?

It will have no effect. The revaluation of pensions only concerns the general pension system. The revaluation of the complementary Agirc-Arrco usually takes place on November 1.

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