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the left-wing vote of civil servants “declined significantly”, particularly to the benefit of the RN

But “over the long term, and despite the economic upheavals, the left-wing vote has declined significantly in favor of the center and the right,” and the far-right vote “has continued to assert itself,” he insists. This is proven by the “historic” result of the RN in the second round of the legislative elections with 36% of the votes among state civil servants, 39% among community agents and even 41% in hospitals.

In the European elections of June 9, left-wing parties received 37% of the votes of civil servants, compared to 40% for the right (including 33% for the extreme right), notes the researcher using Cevipof's electoral polls. , the political research center of Sciences Po Paris. Finally, in the first round of legislative elections, 30% (hospital officials) to 34% (territorial civil servants) of civil servants favored a left-wing party.

Left responsible alignment

While List PS-Public Market by Raphaël Glucksmann absorbed the votes of former Macronist or radical left voters in the European elections, in the legislative elections, “the alignment of the left to the leadership of La France insoumise within the New Popular Front may have delayed a social democrat. the electorate preferring to vote for the Macronist candidates”, analyzes Luc Rouban.

“We note in particular that teachers, who voted in the European elections with 51% for left-wing or environmentalist lists, voted only in the first round of legislative elections with 44% for left-wing candidates, while the proportion of those who preferred Macronism increased at the same time from 17% to 26%”, explains the researcher.

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