Improvements to a busy junction with a hefty price tag is set to ease congestion on a hectic UK motorway.
The M2’s Junction 5 has been subject to several improvements in recent years – with the latest focused on Stockbury roundabout.
Commuters have been told to expect delays this year as the project to improve the junction enters its last year of development.
There are a number of closures on the A249 between Sittingbourne and Maidstone for the next two months as part of the £100million revamp of the roundabout.
In the next five weeks, the southbound carriageway from near Church Hill towards Maidstone will be closed.
Drainage, barrier work and construction to remove the existing road will all take place from February 23 to March 30, National Highways said.
Two lanes will be kept open heading towards the roundabout from Maidstone in order to keep disruption to a minimum.
An image released by National Highways shows how the new flyover is expected to look once the work is completed, making travel along the road much simpler.
Project manager Daniel Rollinson said: “We have engaged with local businesses in the area and members of the public who live nearby to make sure all steps have been taken to minimise disruption where possible.
“While we appreciate these closures may be frustrating, drivers will benefit from improved safety and journey times when we are finished.”
The M2 junction 5 London-bound exit slip will also be closed, with traffic diverted to Junction 4 at Gillingham.
The work is taking place in phases across the five weeks, with several diversions in place. There will also be closures on the opposite A249 carriageway, which will happen at weekends or overnight to minimise disruption.
The disruption is set to lift at 5am on March 30, National Highways said.
Work originally began on the project in 2021, and is due to finish in 2025. It is estimated to cost a total of between £50-100million.
Last summer saw a 450tonne “mega crane” used during the work to lift two 56t edge beams and 16 internal beams, each weighing 20t into place, to form the basisof the new flyover.
•The northbound (towards Sheppey) A249 on to the Stockbury flyover.
•The South Green link road that will connect South Green Lane and Oad Street to the Stockbury Roundabout.
•The M2 London-bound exit slip.