The profile of apprentices is diversifying, and their number is increasing, according to a study

The annual increase is mainly due to craft services (+ 9%) and manufacturing (+ 8%), but the workforce decreased by 3% in the food sector. “Heavily invested in learning, this sector has probably reached a ceiling,” the authors note.


The majority of apprentices (61%) are preparing for a CAP-type diploma. But the number of those taking a higher education degree has more than doubled (+126%) in four years – compared to +36% for all apprentices – and now 18% of apprentices are taking a post-baccalaureate degree, up from 11. % before the entry into force of the 2018 reform which expanded recruitment and apprenticeship facilities.

With +9% in 2022-2023, however, the number of new trades apprentices studying in higher education increased less than in previous years: “the potential for training and employment at these levels appears to be on the verge of being reached”, the authors note. Apprentices are therefore generally older than before: 42% were under 18 in 2022-23, compared with 47% four years earlier.


The proportion of apprentices in trades coming from a previous job, or looking for a job, rose from 2% to 6% in four years, and that of apprentices with a CAP or baccalaureate-level diploma who already have a baccalaureate or even have a higher education qualification. increased from 9% to 14%. Finally, we see an increase in the number of apprentices across all sectors: apprentice pastry chefs have gone from 44% of the workforce to 53% in four years, and dental prosthodontists from 49% to 61%.

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