Vladimir Putin reeling as top strategist warns Russia isn’t ready for NATO surprise attack

Russian military strategists have admitted that Moscow’s forces would not be ready if NATO attacked.

The claims were made in a recent article in Voyennaya Mysl (“Military Thought”). The article says that the US and NATO could attack Russia with missile strikes, as Vladimir Putin’s men have done in Ukraine.

It reads: “An attack might begin with a rapid global strike alongside several massive missile and aviation strikes on the country’s administrative-political and military-industrial infrastructure.”

It adds that Western forces will form “joint operative formations” that consist of “compact, highly mobile combined multi-role groups of troops capable of inflicting heavy losses on the administrative-political and military-industrial infrastructure in all spheres: on the ground, on the high seas, in the air, in outer space and in cyberspace.”

The Russian strategist continued: “The enemy will take potentially aggressive action, including provocations, for the purpose of controlling the situation, as well as intensify all types of intelligence activity.

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“In addition, it may start deploying aircraft carrier strike groups and ships with guided missiles under the guise of exercises. Enemy aircraft, including strategic bombers and drones, will begin to perform regular flights near Russia’s national borders.”

The strategist claimed that NATO would start its attack on Russia with an air offensive “consisting of a rapid (instant) global strike and several (from 2-3 to 5-7) massive missile and air strikes.”

As tensions soar between Russia and the West, Putin warned recently that nuclear war could be on the horizon.

In his State of the Union address, he warned NATO against sending any troops to Ukraine.

He said: “We have proven that we are prepared to solve the most difficult tasks and rise to the most difficult challenges.

“For example, we have repelled the aggression of international terrorism, we have preserved the unity of the country, we have stopped it being torn apart, we have supported our brothers and sisters and their desire to be with Russia. Our Motherland is standing up for its sovereignty and security.

“There has been talk about the possibility of sending Nato military contingents to Ukraine.

“[Western nations] must understand that we also have weapons that can hit targets on their territory. All this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons and the destruction of civilisation.

“Don’t they get that? We remember the fate of those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country. Now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic.”


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