Not only can they be a pain to wash, but bed sheets can be even worse to dry, particularly during winter.
Bed sheets and duvets need a lot of space to dry and can easily cause mould to grow in the home if not dried properly and lead to foul odours.
To avoid this entirely, James Higgins, eucalyptus bedding expert and CEO of Ethical Bedding has shared several methods to dry bed sheets without a tumble dryer.
1. Wash bed sheets at the start of the day
Washing machine cycle lengths can vary, so get the wash on at the beginning of the day to avoid having the bedding overnight.
James explained: “Naturally the inside of the home will heat up over the course of the day and will give you better chances of air drying quickly.
“Temperatures in the home drop considerably overnight as this is when the house is at its coldest. Avoid drying your sheets overnight by giving them the best chances possible in the day.”
2. Leave bed sheets to dry in the kitchen
Drying bedding in the kitchen can be a “two-in-one hack” as the space tends to be the “warmest part of the house” because it is where the oven is located and often has plenty of foot traffic.
James said: “If you cook with the oven often you can use the excess heat to dry your sheets in the room at the same time.”
Although, for those cooking smellier food then he wouldn’t recommend this option as the scent will “cling to the sheets”.
The expert added: “Putting your drying rack next to the oven door will allow the excess heat to speed up the drying process.”
3. Hang bed sheets over the airing cupboard
Having bed sheets over the airing cupboard gives off plenty of heat throughout the day and can help to speed up the process of drying laundry.
James said: “This ensures you aren’t using any electricity in the process.”
For those who already have their central heating switched on, households can also hang their sheets to dry on an airer close to the radiator.
4. Dry off damp bed sheets with a hairdryer
Having bedsheets lying around the house for days on end can be annoying, and some areas of the bedding may still feel damp.
To reduce the risk of mouldy sheets, the expert recommended going over them with a hairdryer.
He added: “Use a hairdryer for a couple of minutes to dry off those final patches.”