A true story about the breakup after leaving the Academy

Q: Compared to the first song you released, is there 100% Lucas essence?

R: Yes, exactly. Actually, 'Corazones Rotos' was fiction and 'Fuiste pa' mi a true story that I experienced right after leaving the academy.

Q: Your new song is mainly pop, but there are also some rock nuances. Will you experiment with future songs or will you take a break and continue with this style?

R: I'll go on. Some more rock than pop, some more pop than rock, but rock will always be there. Rock is something I've been listening to since I was little with my dad. It's always been there, even during my puberty, with One Direction, which had a big impact on me.

Q: The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers, but most of all the world needs dreamers who do. With this line you released the trailer of your song a few days ago. Is this Lucas less dreamy than the pre-OT Lucas?

R: It’s just as dreamy. Now a leap has been made. OT has been a springboard and has led to climbing several steps. All the visibility that the program gave us is cruel, but there are still many dreams to fulfill. A tour, with full stadiums, sharing the stage with more artists… The dream is still there.

Q: Just as dreamy then, but what about a doer?

A: The role of doer now is the work that I was fortunately looking forward to, which is being in the studio, composing and telling life stories, that's what I'm doing now and what the future album will be about. . As a creator, there's still that whole side of discovering and continuing to inspect and explore personally and artistically.

Q: You also created a 'trend' on TikTok where your followers can use your song to tell a story of improvement. Is there a story that resonated with you enough to make a song about it?

A: There were many stories and life situations. There was one for her grandmother, who was always there and now she didn't have her anymore, another one for her dog, another one for a girl who went to study film, who was always her motivation and she tried to… There are many different stories. Now I should look at those stories with the look you said, look at a story and say… 'Writing about this would be cool.'

Q: Looking to the future, which artist would you like to collaborate with?

A: If you let me dream big… Harry Styles would be the top of a collaboration with Fito Páez.

Q: Would you like to participate in a music competition like Benidorm Fest?

A: Yes, I would like to. Right now I feel like I need to focus on my musical project and keep releasing music, making myself known and letting people know what Lucas and my style are. Later, if the opportunity arises, I would like to.

Question: It would be a good way to introduce yourself by representing Spain at the Eurovision Song Contest.

A: With pleasure. In the end, it is Spain that gave me my dream, Spain opened the doors to everything for me, I have had an incredible life, I have become much more mature here. Spain gave me love, it gave me so much, so I am 'full' with Spain on my back.

Q: In October 2025, Operación Triunfo will return. What advice would you give to all those people who want to audition?

A: At the casting moment, the nervousness is sewn. Try to stay calm is a ridiculous advice. Let them think about the next round, that's what I did. As for the subject of the songs, everyone should choose the song that resonates with them, and then for the future 16 who come in, it is necessary to take good care of their mental health. Learn to deal with emotions and especially in the post-academic world, which is very messed up. It is very difficult to leave the academy and emotionally I think we have to be prepared and I would love it if one of the classes would acquire tools that help them better cope with such a drastic change in life.

OT came to me at a time when I had the tools and the necessary maturity

Q: Something that just has to do with mental health is the fact that you, in your case, are a painter, you fill the Wizink Center. How is that managed?

A: That's really crazy, but really sweet and motivating. I always say that OT came to me at a time when I had the tools and maturity. I'm very aware of everything, of the 16th tour and the impact that OT has. This tour and filling stadiums helped me realize and discover that this is what I want and I want to do it alone.

Q: You were the first nominee of the Operación Triunfo Academy. What is it like to have the abyss so close and yet so fast?

A: It was very difficult. I remember the first day I was lying in bed, and only Suzete and I had that energy, the rest were like, 'I passed, I've already got two weeks of guarantee', and I remember thinking, 'I just got in and I'm already a meter and a half away.' It was difficult for me, but now I'm grateful that it happened, because from the beginning I insisted: if you don't work hard at rehearsing after a week, you don't pay attention, you don't get the most out of it. and you benefit from the experience of having great teachers… From the outside, it's very difficult.

Q: What do you consider to be the turning point in your time in academia?

A: That starting point was a pretty strong turning point. When half of the program was left, around Christmas, that was the moment I cut my hair, the moment I wanted to change myself in every way.

Q: Not everyone can say they were Buika's favorite with that famous “Lucas Lucas Lucas Lucas…”

A: (Laughs) Totally. With Buika it was brutal.

Q: He didn't hesitate to nominate you when necessary.

A: Exactly. With Buika I thought he had it with me at first, but the famous puts pressure on dad and the timely nomination is real. For me, the nomination there changed my experience from the beginning. It's good to have someone who encourages you when you're a little shaky and gives you a few warnings. It helped me a lot and little by little we've grown to love it.

Q: In conclusion, I would like to propose a game in which you can define some of your classmates at the academy with a single word. We would start with Paul Thin:

R: Creation. Paul is constantly creating.

Question: Chris.

A: Pure camaraderie.

Question: Naiara.

A: Experience.

Question: Juanjo.

A: Spontaneity.

Question: Violet.

A: Magnetism.

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