Ayuso's longest week

It was not the first time he had expressed himself in similar terms, but listen to the Argentinian president The speeches in the Puerta del Sol in Madrid against the 'monster called social justice' caused diffuse discomfort in certain coordinates of the Spanish right, where it is aware that the concept 'Social State' appears in the first sentence of the first part of the first article of The Constitution of 1978. Isabel Díaz Ayuso remained smiling by her side, but the episode was the beginning of one of the least peaceful weeks in recent times for the president of Madrid.

Ayuso's diplomatic effort, a barely concealed way to torpedo the international profile of the president of the government, Pedro Sánchez, was quickly interpreted by the associated media as a blunder and some voices within the party began to clear their throats. On Saturday, Ayuso continued at thirteen. Let's see why she could not invite a foreign leader, however conflicted he was with the government, when the Catalans left a “money in the embassies”, this was justified during a PP event in Madrid.

The gears of Genoa kept turning and on Monday, during a visit to Germany, Ayuso encountered another water leak. The PP was about to sign the pact with the PSOE to renew the General Council for the Judiciaryafter refusing to do so for five years. From Munich, he intervened to sell the advantages of Madrid as an investment destination, but he kept the arrows about socialism and communism that he usually launches when he leaves the country. There were also no jokes for the public, such as the one that raised the relationship between the absence of bullfights in Catalonia and the drought, while he ventured on a winter trip to Mexico. In the evening, some nearby media were already reporting that the pact in the CGPJ did not seem so bad after all to those around the regional president.

The agreement to renew the judicial leadership was made public on Tuesday afternoon. Ayuso was still traveling and, unlike on other occasions, did not use her social networks to express her opinion. It was difficult to complete the pirouette without warming up and expressing that, when I thought about it, it was not so harmful to reach an agreement with someone who only a few days earlier had planned to leave democracy “with its hours numbered” and was preparing. the “final push for the separation of powers”. The first member of his government to take action for this maneuver was already on Wednesday the spokesman and Minister of Justice, Miguel Ángel García. “It's a good agreement” he said, praising Alberto Núñez Feijóo and his negotiating skills.

Feijóo's “determination” saves democracy

Ayuso finally spoke in a morning interview on Thursday Antenna 3. By that time, it had already become apparent that his partner, Alberto González Amador, would remain in the spotlight of justice for at least some time to come, after the judge in the case had agreed to an investigation at the request of Más Madrid and PSOE. other possible crimes in addition to the tax fraud and falsification of documents he has already admitted to.

Ayuso referred to this issue and that of the CGPJ, but it was difficult for him to conclude his answers. Regarding the government of the judges, he said that the pact is “an unprecedented success” and that it is now appropriate to trust the Socialists for a future change in the system of electing members; otherwise, the European partners might think that Spain is a 'shell country'. Although it is not clear why the government has “come to its senses”, the key could lie in the “determination” of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, whose decision was “brave” and “intelligent”.

Regarding González Amador's fraud and the confirmation that his behavior was criminal and would be further investigated, the leader of the Madrid PP was angry because the case is considered of public interest. “We shouldn't talk about this,” he said, after the interviewer felt obliged to tell him that “surely some spectator will say [que] “If he had not committed tax fraud, he would not be facing this situation.”

He then sued the Attorney General again, without again explaining why he lied by saying that it was the Treasury that owed money to his partner, regardless of whether the apartment he lives in was paid for with fraudulent money or not, or why he had another property in the same building in the name of a company. However, he did want to respond to the criticism of 'columnists' about the episode with the Argentine president. “I don't think everything is the same as Milei,” he said.

With the patch in place, Ayuso continued with his agenda, less ambitious than the previous days: an action against the depopulation of cities and a meeting with businessmen. The next day he opened some offices and met with farmers from Murcia. The week was coming to an end and Monday would be another day.

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