Catalonia activates the election bell and ERC warns Illa that his support is not guaranteed | News from Catalonia

The Parliament of Catalonia took place this Wednesday an atypical plenary session to launch the Catalan legislature which has shown that currently no candidate has enough support to become president of the Generalitat. The plenary session therefore served to activate the two-month countdown after which, if no one has invested, new elections will be called. The debate has made it clear that the winner of the elections, the socialist Salvador Illa, has not yet received the support from the left that he claims, and that the Junts also have no support to invest Carles Puigdemont after the pro-independence majority has evaporated . the elections of May 12 last year.

Josep Maria Jové, president of the ERC group, has accused the Socialists and the Junts of being “irresponsible” and “incompetent” for not wanting to present candidates for the inauguration for the time being, and recalled that Pere Aragonès will stand twice in 2021 has suffered a failed election campaign. debate. The Republican has warned that no one should take the ERC's support for granted because they are “left” (in reference to the PSC) or because they are “independent” (Junts). For his part, Albert Batet, leader of the Junts, has insisted Puigdemont's capabilities, despite the fact that abstinence is his only option for investing of the socialists, something that Illa and Pedro Sánchez outright reject.

ERC shames both the PSC and the Junts for the lack of support the government continues to have president Aragonese. “Those two elements [ser de izquierdas e independentista] “They didn't help you support him,” complained Jové, prosecuted for embezzlement and awaiting amnesty. “They went against it. If they share a socio-economic model, why don't they govern together? With this speech, the ERC – which holds the key to governability – tries to shake off the pressure of supporting Illa or Puigdemont and focus on those it accuses of lacking 'deed and courage'. “If you want to convince the militancy of the ERC, you already know our conditions: resolution of the political conflict with the exercise of the right to self-determination, single financing, which means fiscal sovereignty, and recognition of the Catalan reality, with advanced social policies and Catalan,” he explained.

In the photo the first secretary of the PSC, Salvador Illa, after his intervention last Wednesday.Albert García

Illa has avoided responding to any of the spokespersons and has insisted on doing so will work together with ERC and Comuns Sumar to build a left-wing majority. “The only alternative is a progressive pact or repeated elections. I hope there is no blockade”, said the socialist, while promising that he will play an “active” role to gain the support of these two parties and demanding time to achieve this. Batet has continued without hesitation to feed the possibilities of Carles Puigdemont, despite the fact that in the best case scenario he could add 59 votes with the ERC and the CUP Junts, far from the 68 absolute majority that the PSC would have, although for the hairs, with the republicans and the commons. “Arithmetic makes it possible, reality is what it is and do not delegitimize it”, said the spokesman for Junts. “Jaume Collboni and Pedro Sánchez did not win the elections either, and the latter did not win either He became president thanks to the indispensable votes of the Junts. Or does that only work when it comes to the PSC?” has been asked.

The session has shown that the PP in Parliament will not repeat an operation like that of the Barcelona City Council to appoint a socialist. Popular Party leader Alejandro Fernández has regretted the creation of a Table with a pro-independence majority at the June 10 session and stressed that voting for the PSC “is useless.” “On the 10th he continued feeding the processes and they applied the cordon sanitary on us,” he said, blaming the Socialists for the PP being left out of that body. “We are not going to mislead anyone: we would only invest in those who are committed to ending the crisis processes here and there [en Madrid]. We're not going to give up. If we do not give up with three deputies, we will give up even less with fifteen,” he concludes.

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Jéssica Albiach, spokesperson for Comuns Sumar, has pointed out that the figures “don't lie.” “There are only two options: or a left-wing government or elections. False expectations should not be raised or citizens misled. The numbers are what they are,” he emphasized, in apparent reference to Junts. The representative has made her main demands on housing policy – ​​she has not mentioned the Hard Rock macro casino, which triggered the electoral rise – and insinuates that this will be one of the elements demanded in the negotiations. “The next government must regulate seasonal rentals. There is great dissatisfaction. It's not about passing the roller, tactics or blank checks. You are who you want to be president”, he said to Illa. “You are the ones who need to make the most effort, get moving and be proactive.”

Josep Maria Jové, president of the ERC group in the Catalan Parliament, at a moment in the plenary session on Wednesday.
Josep Maria Jové, president of the ERC faction in the Catalan parliament, at a moment in the plenary session on Wednesday. Albert García

The debate began with the intervention of Sílvia Orriols, leader of Aliança Catalana, the far-right pro-independence party, who was making her debut in the Chamber. The ultra-delegate was received by the secessionist bank and the common people with photos by Aurora Picornell, the communist militant who was murdered during the civil war and whose image was torn apart during a plenary session by the president of the Balearic Parliament, Gabriel de Senne, from Vox. Orriols has turned his two-minute speech into an angry rally against migrants. And he noted: “Despite censorship and slander, we are already there. “We are not here to invest Spanish and autonomous candidates.” Rull has warned him that the Council will be ruthless against hate speech, just as it has been with Vox.

In their ideological opposites, Laia Estrada, spokesperson for the CUP, has stated that under no circumstances will they facilitate the return to power of the sociovergence. [pacto entre socialistas y Junts], has defended social justice and deplored the disillusionment and frustration of the independence movement. “We feel partly responsible,” he says.

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