Clavijo calls Vox's immigration position 'miserable' and accuses Abascal of politicizing the 'humanitarian drama'

the break with the autonomous governments together with the Popular Party, which has triggered a dance of reactions at the political level. In this way, and with first-hand knowledge of the migration reality in Spain, the president of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijois crossed out 'miserable' and 'mean' the attitude of Santiago Abascal's party towards the national distribution of minor migrants.

In these terms, the leader of the Canary Coalition has accused Abascal of politicizing “a humanitarian drama” after breaking their autonomous pacts with the PP for this reason.

“Vox, wanted to do politics, bad politics, with a humanitarian drama”the Canarian president has condemned the withdrawal from the Ibero-African Business Forum, held in Madrid by the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE), where he shared his government's “bewilderment” at the “mean and miserable” attitude of Santiago Abascal, as long as he does not accept it the distribution of nearly 400 minor migrants in the rest of the autonomous communities.

In turn, he has qualified Abascal as 'accomplice' in death and all the drama that surrounds the children who land on the Spanish coast in search of a better future than the one their country of origin offers them. “There are people who want to play wretched politics with the death, hunger and misery of boys and girls,” he stressed.

In the same terms, he has said that he feels “ashamed” that this is the image that is being transmitted from the country, and regrets that there are political formations, in clear reference to Vox, that are turning a humanitarian drama of such magnitude into a purely political procedure.

Lack of action in European politics and “immediate” measures in Spain

Not without staying on this point and going home, Clavijo has warned about the current situation in the Canary Islands you can experience it “in a few months” Valencia or Andalusiaand claims in his wake that there must be a “joint response” as a country. “From September to December, 7,398 minors arrived and this year all the indicators of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union itself and the services of the Autonomous Community indicate that there may be many more people who are going abroad trying to reach Europe,” he continued, warning with concern.

Faced with this problem, Clavijo has criticized it Europe 'has' no effective or strong migration policy He, in turn, stressed that “the autonomous communities are paying for the consequences of the lack of a European and Spanish policy” which, in his opinion, “should be coordinated and collaborated with the rest of the regional governments.”

“The amendment of Article 35 of the Immigration Act would allow for a much more immediate response, less administratively complicated and therefore much more flexible in the general interest of the minor,” Clavijo concluded in these terms. the reform of the immigration law.

Clavijo, in turn, addressed the central government of Pedro Sánchez, also urging it to approve, in order to resolve this problem as quickly and effectively as possible, a decree-law that would provide an “immediate” response to the reception by the autonomous communities of minors who have landed on the Canary coasts. In this way, the administrative procedures for the transfer of migrant minors and issues related to their custody would be “simplified”.

The President of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, at a press conference in Genoa. EP.

Vox's anti-immigration policy

The National Executive Committee of Vox was convened on Thursday in an emergency on the occasion of popular support for the distribution of minor migrants in all autonomous communities, and in his performance Santiago Abascal confirmed his threat to break his governments in coalition with the majority party. In this way, the far-right formation was categorically opposed to welcoming the 110 minors -out of 347 in total- which corresponded to these areas in which they governed together with the PP.

“We may have given up too much at times to protect these governments. But it is impossible to reach an agreement with those who do not want it, with those who intend to impose an open border policy on us. If that is what Mr Feijóo wants, to mislead his voters, so be it. Vox confirms regional agreements are being violated' Abascal said during his institutional statement from the party headquarters in Madrid, and supported by all members of the commission, including last Friday regional presidents who had already resigned from their positions.

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