Billionaire Elon Musk shared a “beautiful” photo of Tesla’s Texas headquarters, leaving many in awe. The Tesla CEO posted the photo on X, the social media platform he owns. The image, taken in the morning, is an aerial view of the company’s headquarters. The photo went viral shortly after, receiving over 4.3 million views.
A photo of Tesla's headquarters taken this morning
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 14, 2024
In the comments, several users called it “magnificent,” while others wondered if it was created by artificial intelligence.
“Great sunrise,” one user wrote.
Magnificent sunrise.
— Bella (@stockbella) August 14, 2024
Another added: “Looks great!”
Looks great!
— Gambino (@GambinoXBT) August 14, 2024
A third person wrote: “Even planet Earth shows the futuristic Tesla headquarters in all its glory.”
Some wondered if the image was real. “Great, I thought this was generated by Grok-2 with the prompt 'future hyper-realistic gigafactory on Mars,'” one user wrote.
Great, I thought this was generated by Grok-2 with the hint “future hyper-realistic gigafactory on Mars”
— Yuchen Jin (@Yuchenj_UW) August 14, 2024
Another commented: “This isn't AI?”
This is not AI? ????
— Cryptonetwork (@raffayalvi) August 14, 2024
In December 2021, Tesla officially moved its corporate headquarters from Silicon Valley to a large factory in Austin, Texas. The announcement was made by the company in a filing with U.S. securities regulators.
The company moved from Palo Alto, California, to what it called the “Gigafactory” on Harold Green Road near Austin, Texas, after Musk hinted at the imminent move at the company's annual meeting in October 2021.
In April this year, Reuters reported, citing an internal memo, that Tesla would lay off more than 10% of its workforce worldwide. This came as the company reportedly faced falling sales and an intensifying price war for electric vehicles (EVs).
Earlier in his post on the X website, Elon Musk said: “Every five years or so, we need to reorganize and optimize the company for the next stage of growth.”
The company's headcount has grown from about 100,000 at the end of 2021 to more than 140,000 at the end of 2023, according to filings with U.S. regulators.