Feijóo takes the Vox speech in Catalonia as his starting point: “I ask those who do not admit that illegal immigration occupies our homes to vote” | Elections in Catalonia 12-M

He strong fight by PP and Vox to capitalize The right-wing mood in Catalonia last Tuesday led Alberto Núñez Feijóo, leader of the Popular Party, to adopt populist and xenophobic messages from the far right as his own. The proclamations, which have thus far been avoided by the people, directly and unequivocally link illegal immigration to the supposed problems of security and occupation.

“I ask for the vote of everyone who realizes that Catalonia has the highest crime rates, robberies, thefts and recidivism rates in Spain,” Feijóo said at a meeting in Cornellá de Llobregat (Barcelona). “I ask those who are in favor of legal immigration to vote, but [también a] those who do not admit that illegal immigration is left in our homes, our homes are occupied and we cannot enter our properties. I ask for the vote of them, of all of them,” the popular president added. Feijoo participated during the meeting with the PP candidate, Alejandro Fernández, who has also focused much of his interventions during the campaign on the security problems that, in his opinion, affect Catalonia. But Feijóo has gone a step further than the missions his party has launched so far and stepped into the swampy puddle of Vox.

After confirming that the PP will experience a big increase in votes this coming Sunday by flooding the electorate of Ciudadanos, Génova's obsession now for 12-M is to surpass Vox by the highest possible percentage, after Santiago Abascal's party will have been eight. seats over the PP in the 2021 parliamentary elections. A scenario that is even more desirable as a result of the last Basque elections on April 21, when the Popular Party's goal of getting Vox out of the Basque Parliament was frustrated. The ultras consolidated the seat they already had in Álava, a former popular fief.

Because in the PP they hope to quadruple their results in the regional polls, as all polls predict. But the increase currently is due to the collapse of Ciudadanos and not mainly at the expense of Vox. The final 40dB poll. prepared for EL PAÍS and SER indicates that the Popular Party would rise from three seats to thirteen on May 12, while the far right will only drop from eleven to ten seats. And in Genoa they are more aware that Santiago Abascal's party is managing to keep its place in Catalonia while growing. Time is running out in the race to the polls, and despite the decline Vox experienced in last year's regional and general elections. And no one is unaware that they are resisting with a focus on migration and the perceived security problems it causes in Catalonia, a community with a high percentage of people of foreign origin. spreading hoaxes who incite fear with manipulated data. In order to achieve his ambitions to conquer Vox's electorate, Feijóo no longer has any trouble spreading this xenophobic discourse.

In this strategy to try to take advantage of the Vox vote, in Genoa they also emphasize the importance of counting in campaign with the presence of the President of the Community of Madrid. Isabel Díaz Ayuso left for Barcelona on Monday and returns to Catalonia on Thursday. Members of the executive recognize the effect that Madrid's leader could have on the Vox voter, while pointing out that Juan Manuel Moreno could at the same time draw votes from the PSC. The president of the Junta de Andalucía will visit the four Catalan provinces in parallel between this Tuesday and this Wednesday. Party sources admit that both territorial barons represent the counterpoint to the PP's ideological spectrum – Moreno embodies a more moderate version, they argue, Ayuso the toughest. And the two are heading to Catalonia at a time when the PP plans to 'widen' its electoral space.

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In this line of attempts to grow left and right, Feijóo has once again called for concentrating the “constitutionalist” votes around the PP to multiply the seats “because Illa, ERC and Puigdemont are the same.” “With Felipe González, the separatists would not rule in Spain. With Felipe González there would have been no agreement with the separatists in the Catalan municipal councils. Felipe González would have created a Spain that would be equal for everyone. Because it is what the PSOE used to be and is no longer,” declared the leader of the PP in Cornellá de Llobregat.

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