from being the first party to ask for 'single funding' for Catalonia to criticizing it

approval of the amnesty for the politicians of the trial It has not been the last demand of Catalan nationalists. Now their efforts are focused on achieving one own tax, similar to the Basque quota, which allows them to collect 100% of the autonomous community's taxes without being subject to the country's communal regime. Something that could be called “private financing,” which the Popular Party has opposed head-on. However, the newspaper archive does not forget: The PP was precisely the first party to ask for special financing for Catalonia in its program some time agoalthough with a very different meaning than that now asserted by Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya and Junts.

To get to the heart of this problem, we have to go back to 2012. The People's Party of Catalonia, led at the time by Alicia Sanchez Camacho, has committed itself in its election manifesto for the Catalan elections under the motto 'Catalonia yes, also Spain' to “create a new, unique financing system for Catalonia“The goal? “To solve the systematic problem of the Generalitat's financial inadequacy to meet its powers.”

The candidate asserted this same point in an interview with Telecinco on May 8, 2012: “My position is very clear, I said that Catalonia needs a unique financing model that is balancedthat balances what Catalonia contributes, as Madrid or the Balearic Islands or Valencia also contribute, but it must be fair and proportionate, but it must also maintain the solidarity of the financial balance of the rest of the autonomous communities.” a model that was 'more generous' with autonomy.

“We will work from the Catalan People's Party improving unique financing for Catalonia, based on the principle of ordinality and finalist solidarity. More resources but also more responsibility in management. We want a transparent project to be presented to Catalans in the field of spending and management of public funds,” said the “popular” program for those elections. An idea that was explained in more detail in the first points of the economic section of the text: “We will do this through the increase in transferred taxes and participation in the tax package, in the context of a own model with regulatory capacity, within the common regime of the LOFCA (the Organic Law of the Financing of the Autonomous Communities)”.

For his part, the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezreferred to this term and defined it as “feasible”, although he did not want to fully embrace the proposal and distanced himself from it during a recent session of the Congress of Deputies.

Feijoo did the same in 2016

However, that 2016 program was not the PP's only defense of this financing model. The leader of the Popular Party himself, Alberto Núñez Feijoo, did the same in 2016, at the time still as president of the Xunta de Galicia. 'I don't think that's the case a single autonomous community in Spain that agrees to unique financing from one community against another,” he then explained.

Feijoo in Congress.  EP/archive.

“It's not It is easy to explain why Catalonia does not get a concert, while the Basques and Navarres do. I am not saying that the Catalan concerto is wrong in terms of demand, because it is true that Euskadi has it and Navarra has it, that is absolutely true. Is also true In the constituent discussion it was agreed that Catalonia would not give a concert. Now it is true that these things can be changedthat can be raised and discussed, the problem is how to agree on the content of the concert,” the PP politician added.

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