How do the Spanish fjords compare to Norway? « Euro weekly news

Norway is known for its spectacular fjords, which are a huge attraction for tourists. However, you may not have to travel that far as Spain has its own country to offer, which may be just as beautiful.

A fjord is typically a long, deep inlet surrounded by steep cliffs, carved by glaciers. Countries like Norway, Iceland and New Zealand are known for these geological wonders.

The Spanish version swaps rivers for the sea and offers equally dramatic landscapes. Let's travel through Spain to discover some of the province's most breathtaking natural features.

Exploring Riaño in León

Riano. Credit: Jon Chica/

In the province of León, the Picos de Europa National Park marks one of the oldest protected areas in Spain. Established in the early 20th century, this region later saw the addition of the Riaño Reservoir to its protected status in 1994.

The area features mountainous terrains with elevations ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 meters and river valleys that create fjord-like formations.

Gilbo Peak, with an elevation of 1,679 meters, is a favorite among hikers. The Riaño area is also home to wildlife such as the brown bear and the capercaillie, whose presence contributes to the natural appearance of the region.

The natural splendor of Arribes del Duero

Stretching to the border of Zamora and Salamanca, the Arribes del Duero offers spectacular fjord-like views formed by the erosion of the Tormes, Duero, Huebra, Uces and Camaces rivers.

These waters have carved through the mountains over the centuries, creating deep gorges. Among them, the Uces River reveals the breathtaking Pozo de los Humos waterfall, one of the most picturesque places of the Iberian Peninsula.

The Arribes del Duero Natural Park can be explored by boat from Miranda do Douro or Aldeadavila de la Ribera. For panoramic views, the Ledesma, Mirador del Fraile, Picon de Felipe and Las Barrancas viewpoints are excellent.

The majestic Sil River Canyon

In Galicia, the Sil River cuts through the landscape, creating one of Spain's most beautiful fjords in the Ribeira Sacra.

The river's erosive power is evident in the steep, vegetation-covered cliffs that frame the waterway. The best way to experience this natural beauty is by catamaran, which sails through the municipalities of Parada de Sil, Nogueira de Ramuin, A Teixeira and Sober, with piers in Santo Estevo, Doade and Augas.

The dramatic Hoces del Rio Duraton

The Hoces del Rio Duraton Natural Park in Segovia, established in 1989, showcases a remarkable section of the river stretching from Sepulveda to the Burgomillodo Dam. Here the river's meanders create cliffs up to 70 meters high, with vibrant green and ocher hues.

The natural beauty is complemented by the presence of griffon vultures, golden eagles, Egyptian vultures and peregrine falcons that soar above, providing a stark contrast to the human perspective from scenic viewpoints or canoes.

Spain's fjords are a testament to the country's varied and spectacular landscapes, which rival those of Norway and offer a glimpse into nature's beautiful art.

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