In which city were the first Olympic Games of modern times held?
Correct answer: within Athens in 1896 inspired by the ancient ones celebrated by the Greeks. Despite their historical importance, they were a relatively small event, with only 241 athletes from 14 countries. And a sad historical fact: it was not until 1900 that women were allowed to compete.
What is your official motto?
Good answer: Faster higher stronger. This motto, in Latin “Citius, Altius, Fortius”, sums up the spirit of improvement and excellence that characterizes this sporting event. It was created by Father Henri Didon, a French Dominican priest, as a motto for a school that wanted to promote excellence in students through sport. Pierre de Coubertin, the father of the modern Olympic movement, was so impressed by the motto that he adopted it for his project.
How many rings are in the Olympic flag and what do they represent?
Although it is commonly said that each ring represents a continent, this interpretation is not entirely correct. In fact, the choice of colours and the arrangement of the rings was based more on the idea of unite all the countries of the world through sportregardless of your geographic location.
Which of the following sports was not included in the first of the modern era?
Correct answer: the basketball It was introduced much later, in 1936. The subjects included in that first edition were: athletics, cycling, fencing, gymnastics, weightlifting, wrestling, swimming, tennis and shooting.
Who is the athlete with the most individual Olympic gold medals?
Correct Answer: American swimmer Michael Phelps He holds the record for 23 Olympic gold medals. In Beijing 2008, he achieved an unprecedented feat by winning eight gold medals in a single edition. In total, he holds the records for most individual gold medals (13), most gold medals in men's events (15), and most Olympic medals overall.
In what year were the first Winter Olympics held?
The correct answer was retained Chamonix, France, in 1924Initially they were intended as an “International Winter Sports Week”, but due to their great success they were later recognized as the first Winter Olympic Games.
What is the oldest sport at the Olympics?
Correct answer: the pentathlonwhich includes five disciplines (running, jumping, javelin, wrestling and discus), was a fundamental event in the ancient Greek Olympic Games. It was created by Pierre de Coubertin as a representation of the ideal soldier.
Which country has won the most gold medals in Olympic history?
Correct Answer: The United States is the country with the most gold medals in the history of the Olympic Games.
What does the Olympic torch mean?
Correct Answer: The Olympic torch symbolizes the continuity of the Olympic tradition since ancient Greece and represents the spirit of the Games. Although the tradition is old, it was only introduced in Amsterdam in 1928.
What is the difference between the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games?
Correct Answer: The Paralympic Games are an international sporting competition for athletes with a physical or mental disabilityThe small English town of Stoke Mandeville is considered the birthplace of this competition. In 1948, the Stoke Mandeville Games were organized for war veterans with spinal cord injuries.