Justice authorizes a meeting to “pray the rosary” in front of the PSOE headquarters on the day of reflection

The High Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) has authorized a meeting to “pray the rosary” in front of the PSOE headquarters in Ferraz during the day of reflection and on Sunday itself, when the European elections are held. The call had previously been annulled by the Provincial Electoral Council of Madrid, but Justice now says that there are no “justified reasons” that justify that this concentration could affect the “political neutrality” required on the day of reflection.

The truth is that the recitation of the Rosary has taken place several times in front of the Socialists' headquarters in Madrid, always related to the protests against the government for approving the amnesty. It has also happened for other PSOE headquarters in other parts of the country.

“In accordance with the doctrine established by the Constitutional Court, the exercise of the right of assembly may only be limited on dates coinciding with election periods if there are justified reasons for doing so, and thus be included in the resolution limiting the exercise of that right, that this concentration is called for the clear purpose of obtaining votes, which does not happen in this case,” the TSJM order said.

The appeal, in the name of an individual, calls for these prayers from May 31 to June 15 continuously between 7:30 p.m. The Provincial Electoral Council informed the convener that it could not hold it on June 8 and 9 because it coincided with the day of reflection and the day of voting. The organizer appealed to the court, claiming that the demonstration “is not linked to any candidate running for the European elections or to any political party, as the motto of the demonstration is: “Rosary for Spain and defense of the Catholic faith. in everything.”

For its part, the Public Prosecution Service claimed that the meeting “is an activity of a political nature capable of influencing voters and affecting the principles of reflection and regularity that should govern voting”; However, the Public Prosecution Service insisted that “meetings and rallies can take place on election day, even with political intentions.”

The TSJM judges say that although it is not specified in the rejection, it can be understood that this is due to 'mere suspicions about the possibility that the concentration on those two days could disrupt the desirable political neutrality of the day of reflection '. but they reject that position because they affirm that the fact that this has been done on many occasions since November 23 invalidates that argument.

The recitation of the rosary for Ferraz began around those dates and complemented the protests encouraged by Vox and far-right groups over the agreements for Sánchez's inauguration and the negotiations to pass the amnesty law. Since then, praying the rosary became another form of protest for those gathering in front of the Socialists' headquarters.

“We must conclude that the government has not proven the existence of valid reasons justifying that the concentration called on June 8 to pray the “Rosary for Spain and in defense of the Catholic faith throughout the world” one's own political neutrality,” reads the decision, which applies the same argument to Sunday, when voting takes place in the European elections. “It has not been proven to what extent it can influence the composition of the polling stations of the polling stations, let alone it has been proven to what extent those present at the meeting can do so with that motto and with the expected number of attendees (80 people) doing. ) influence or hinder voters' access to polling stations,” they add.

The meetings on the day of reflection are a delicate issue that has been discussed by many judges. Recently, judge Manuel García Castellón included in his investigation against Tsunami Democràtic the “cultural, political and festive activities” that Tsunami organized during the day of reflection, including a concert, such as one of the elements that supported his accusation of terrorism against the investigated.

After hearing the order, the government delegation assured that the consent is obtained by a “matter of form” and that the TSJM “has decided to approve a politically motivated concentration, on the day of reflection and on the day of voting for the European Union”. Elections, against the criteria of the Provincial Electoral Council,” said Europa Press.

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