Latest political news, live | Feijóo: “We have difficulty accepting the impartiality of the Constitutional Court” | Spain

Feijóo: “We have difficulty accepting the impartiality of the Constitutional Court”

The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has stated that he has “difficulties in accepting the impartiality” of the Constitutional Court. He stated this in an interview on Onda Cero when he was asked about the appeal of unconstitutionality announced by the PP against the amnesty law and regarding the two constitutional magistrates appointed by the government, former minister Juan Carlos Campo and Laura Díez General Director of Constitutional Affairs and Legal Coordination. Despite this, the PP continues to insist that it will file an appeal of unconstitutionality against the rule.

Asked whether the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, had “deceived” former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont with the amnesty law, given that the Supreme Court denies that it can be applied to the crime of embezzlement of which he is accused, Feijóo replied that “Sánchez 'deceived him and the other was deceived', because neither the Constitution nor the EU Treaties have been changed and, in his opinion, both 'collide' with the norm, which he calls 'immoral and illegitimate.” “It is illegal because embezzlement cannot be amnesied under the EU Treaties and, in my opinion, disobedience cannot be considered constitutional.” [amnistiarla]but that is in line with the Constitutional Court.” “I do not hide from you,” he continued, “that we have difficulty accepting the impartiality of our Constitutional Court, but it is what it is. It is our duty to appeal against the law. Now, constitutionally twisting two government positions seems absolutely immoral.” He then said that he tries to “propose state policy and respect the institutions.”

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