PPdeG demands explanation of AP-9 in Madrid, but denies it in Galicia

Galician nationalist bloc to create a commission of inquiry on “the compendium of irregularities, privileges and favourable treatment of the concessionaire” of the AP-9, the toll road that runs from north to south through Galicia.

The spokesperson of the Popular Parliamentary Group in the regional chamber, Alberto Couñagotried in every possible way to justify the refusal of his formation to clarify what was happening with this route, especially after what was published by the media of the past weeks.

He said, among other things, that “there is no need” to hold “a committee” here, and justified that the place to do that “is Congress,” since AP-9 is a state infrastructure. In the same way he responded to the nationalists that, apart from the above, it is a highway on which the central government made decisions.

The PPdeG's arguments, which concluded with a “stop wasting the time of Galicians”, in the words of Couñago, attempted to ignore the document in which the branch's European Commissioner warned of a strange movement and reportedly irregular of the executive branch, chaired by José María Aznarto focus on disqualifications of the BNG request. According to him, the request to establish an investigation committee is “an accumulation of inconsistencies, self-serving omissions and gross untruths.”

European interest

However, they are untruths, as Luís Bará, spokesman for the Bloc's Infrastructure, reminded him, in which Europe has become interested, as a result of the cited document revealing that Aznar's intentions to privatize Audasa preceded the extension being granted.

The nationalist deputy accused the PP of positioning itself as “complicit in the greatest indignation against Galicia so far this century”, referring to the veto he issued yesterday with his vote against from the Commission.

The decision taken by the 'populars' is the clearest example that the Galician President Alfonso Rueda is still “controlled remotely from Genova Street.” This has a very obvious consequence, as Bará said, and that is that the Galicians who “have to pay unjustified tolls until 2048” suffer. For the nationalist autonomist deputy, the commission of inquiry It was important to unravel the 'favourable treatment and benefits' that the highway concessionaire 'received throughout its history from the central government, whatever its colour'.

In the debate on the request of the Galician Nationalist Bloc: Luis Bara He told the Popular Group that “between the truth and the PP, they choose the PP; between Galicia and the PP, they choose the PP, because you are a machine at the service of the big economic groups and act as muppets controlled by remote control from Genoa Street”.

Image of the AP-9 as it passes through the province of A Coruña (Photo: Europa Press / Archive).

For this reason, he urged to bring in “light and stenographers” to cover the “shadows and suspicions” that surround the extension of the concession that the PP government gave in the year 2000 with an absolute majority under the presidency of José María Aznar, who is now in the spotlight. and which will lead to payment for the use of the road until 2048.

In its request for the establishment of the above-mentioned investigation committee, the BNG proposed a number of those who would be summoned before it, including Alvarez Cascos, Alberto Nunez FeijooLuís Bárcenas, or José María Aznar himself.

Despite the refusal of the PPdeG which paralyses the composition of this body, the nationalists announced that they will continue to act as a “hammer” to unravel the truth about this issue in the world. Galician Parliament, the Cortes and Brussels.

The Galician socialists supported the nationalists' request. In the words of the deputy Carlos Lopez Fontthe PP must “apologise to the Galicians” for what “has been done by Aznar”, regarding this toll road and the entire privatisation process of its concession company.

However, the PSdeG, while supporting the request, also acknowledged that “this may not be the most appropriate way”, adding that “another way is probably better” when it comes to getting clarity on what happened with the AP-9 Extensions.

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