For many people, the card is a great ally when paying. However, it is common for some institutions to charge a commission for paying by card. Did you know this is forbidden?
An abusive practice
Despite the fact that charging a commission for the use of the terminal and payment by card may be a common practice in certain institutions and even in virtual stores, which add a commission of between 3-5 percent to the total amount to be paid.
However, this is an inappropriate fee that is not the consumer's obligation to pay. As defined in Article 10 of the Federal Law on Consumer Protection (LFPC);
“Suppliers shall not use coercive and unfair trade methods or practices, or abusive or imposed clauses or conditions in the provision of products or services.”
What to do if they want to charge a commission?
If a business wants to charge an extra commission or surcharge for paying by card, please notify CONDUSEF and PROFECO at 555 568 8722 and 800 468 8722 or by email. [email protected].
Enter the details of the establishment where the commission was charged. In this way, the institutions can take the necessary measures with the business due to non-compliance with the contractual conditions.
Even facilities that engage in such abuses can be fined by PROFECO between $1,007.20 and $3,939,305.36 under Article 128 of the LFPC.
Finally, find another supplier or business that does not engage in such abusive practices to purchase from.