Read Pedro Sánchez's new 'letter to the citizens' in full

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, published this Tuesday a new 'letter to the citizens'. The letter was published via social networks in response to his wife's early morning announcement of his summonsBegoña Gómez, to declare that an investigation is underway.

New letter to citizens,

My wife and I learned today through the media that the summons to Begoña on July 5 is being investigated. This decision is announced just five days before the European Parliament elections, which is strange. Usually the unwritten rule is followed that no resolutions should be issued that could influence the normal development of an election campaign and thus the vote of the citizens. In this case it is clear that this practice was not followed. I leave it to the reader to draw his own conclusions. I would like to tell you that we are both completely calm. There is nothing behind this accusation, just a gross scheme promoted by the demanding right-wing associations.

However, there is one political reading that I am obliged to share with you. As you may recall, in my previous letter I denounced the tendency of a reactionary coalition led by Mr Feijóo and Mr Abascal – or as much as possible by Mr Abascal and Mr Feijóo – to use all the means within their range layers. to break me politically and personally. Their goal is for me to resign, resign. Even, as we learned yesterday, I am trying to force my departure from the presidency of the government with a motion of censure through an unnatural alliance. Everything is worth it.

What they did not achieve in the elections, they want to achieve in a false way. He also knew that as the frustration and powerlessness of this reactionary coalition increased, the pace of the mud machine would not stop, but rather accelerate. Faced with this certainty, I wondered whether it was worth continuing with my responsibilities. I want to tell you that my resolve to continue to preside over the government is firmer than ever. That the task of the progressive coalition government is more necessary than ever. Our horizon remains unchanged: consolidate the strength of economic growth and job creation, as we have just seen, redistribute the fruits of that growth between the middle class and workers to fight against the greatest injustice, namely inequality; restoration of democratic life, demanding fair play over the mud that some try to spread, and progress in rights and freedoms without taking a step back; and contributing to world peace, with special attention to Ukraine and Palestine.

In the coming days you will witness a careful choreography designed by the far-right coalition in an attempt to condition the elections and weaken the government. Begoña and I know very well why they are attacking her. Neither of us is naive. They do it because he's my partner. She is a hardworking and honest woman who demands her right to work, without giving it up because of her husband's responsibilities. Right that I defend in my family life and for which I work as President of the Spanish Government to ensure that men and women have the same opportunities and the same rights.

Today you will read and hear a lot of noise and even more anger in digital tabloids created to spread hoaxes, on the television and radio talk shows that serve to amplify this disinformation, and in stands where Mr. Feijóo and Mr Abascal. Everyone lies. A big hoax. Another. As for me, rest assured, they will not break me. And given that they are trying to interfere with the election results of next June 9, I hope that their promoters – Mr Feijóo and Mr Abascal – will find the answer they deserve at the elections: condemnation and rejection of their evil tricks. There are still a few days of noise left before the election and a few more before summer. But there are also more than three years of government, of progress and progress.


Pedro Sanchez

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