REPORT: Trump Surpasses His Support Among Hispanic Voters in 2020, Has Edge on Immigration | The Gateway Pundit

REPORT: Trump Surpasses His Support Among Hispanic Voters in 2020, Has Edge on Immigration | The Gateway Pundit

Donald Trump is even more popular with Hispanic voters today than he was in 2020, which is saying something, since he did well among that group then.

What's changed since then? Millions of illegal immigrants have crossed the southern border, and Hispanic voters trust Trump more than Harris on this issue.

Harris still has an edge on some issues, like health care, but Trump doesn't even need to win a majority of Hispanic voters. He just needs to win a higher percentage than he or other Republicans have in the past, and he appears to be doing that.

FOX News reports:

Poll shows Trump's support among Latinos who favor him on immigration surpasses 2020 levels

Republican presidential candidate former President Trump leads his rival in support among Latinos who favor him on immigration issues in the 2024 race, according to a new poll.

Hispanic voters give Trump a 42 percent to 37 percent lead over Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Harris on immigration policy, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Among the broader electorate, 46 percent favored Trump on immigration, while 36 percent favored Harris, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted Aug. 21-28.

Trump’s performance among Latinos overall appears set to improve significantly from 2020. The poll found that Harris currently leads registered Latino voters by 13 points. Four years ago, Biden won the Latino vote by 21 points, according to a Pew Research analysis of the 2020 exit poll. A Fox News/Associated Press analysis of 2020 voters found that 35% of Hispanic or Latino voters favored Trump, while 63% favored Biden.

This trend has been observed for several weeks.

Democrats and the media tried to make Trump toxic to minority voters, but it didn't work.

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