Samsung has launched its Galaxy AI Feature Set to its high-end smartphone lines, and is now apparently preparing for the next logical step: bringing Galaxy AI to its mid-range models.
According to a new report released today, the Galaxy A55 and A35 As expected, they will be the first to receive Galaxy AI, as part of their One UI 6.1.1 update.
The report doesn't tell us exactly when we should expect this to happen, but it does provide a vague timeline of “this month or next.” One caveat, though: not all of the Galaxy AI features will be available on these mid-range phones.
Unfortunately, there's no further information at the moment on which features will and won't be included. Samsung will most likely leave out those that require more processing power, as the A55 and A35 don't have much of it.
It’s also unclear whether the A55 and A35 will be the only A-series devices to feature Galaxy AI, or just the earliest ones. Samsung may want to limit the rollout of the suite to its newest phones to try and boost sales further.