Spain will recognize the state of Palestine next Tuesday, May 28

It is a historic step. Spain will formally recognize the state of Palestine on May 28. This was confirmed on Wednesday by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, during his appearance in Congress, in which he informed the entire House of the decision that will be officially adopted by the Council of Ministers next Tuesday. Sánchez also explained that our country will take this step hand in hand with other European partners such as Norway and Ireland.

“I would like to inform you that Spain, after reaching an agreement on the decision between the two parties of the government, and following the majority sentiment of the Spanish people, will approve the recognition of the Palestinian State next Tuesday in the Council of Ministers “, he said. announced to the applause of the PSOE and Sumar benches, which have risen. Neither the PP and Vox opposition nor other partners of the executive branch, such as ERC or Podemos, welcomed the announcement.

Sánchez has defended that “the time has come to fulfill the democratic mandate that Parliament gave us ten years ago and that it reiterated two months ago when it approved an initiative urging us to do so immediately.” And he has demanded a foreign policy that is “coherent and respectful of international law” in both Ukraine and Palestine.

“The time has come to move from words to actions, to tell the Palestinians that we are with them, that there is hope. That no matter how many people are bombed, the land and the Palestinian identity will continue to exist in our hearts, in international legality and in the project of a world in harmony,” he said.

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