The Bolivian army commander who led the coup was fired after threatening Evo Morales

take the central government headquarters in La Paz and so far he has managed to break down one of the building's doors. For their part, the President and his ministers are present at headquarters and assure that they are “resolute”. They will stay 'to stop any coup attempt'.

Specifically, a tank broke open the doors of the Bolivian executive headquarters and entered, after the general commander of the Bolivian army, Juan José Zuñiga, threatened to take over the government and change the cabinet. Several tanks and heavily armed soldiers have occupied the square in front of the headquarters of the Bolivian executive power. 'This country cannot continue like this'the soldier stated, Bolivian television reported.

Through social media, both President Arce and former President Morales They have called for order and respect for democracy by strongly condemning the military coup led by Zuñiga. “We condemn the irregular mobilizations of some units of the Bolivian army. Democracy must be respected,” President Arce said through his report on the social network 'defending democracy'.

Later, Arce addressed the nation: “We need the people to mobilize against the coup. We cannot allow coup attempts to return. We salute the organizations for their mobilization for democracy. Long live Bolivia. Long live democracy,” he said from the Casa Grande del Pueblo, a building next to the Palacio Quemado.

The condemnation is also unanimous from the international community. For his part, in addition to several presidents of Latin American states, the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Luis Almagrohas warned that the organization will not tolerate “any form of violation of the legitimate constitutional order in Bolivia”: “The General Secretariat of the OAS condemns in the most energetic way these actions of the Bolivian army, it must submit to civilian authority as commanded in the Inter-American Democratic Charter,” he reiterated.

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