The demonstration in Ferraz approved by Justice ends with fascist chants

prayer of the rosary has taken place on the day of reflection for the European elections on June 9 at the doors of the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, located on the corner of Ferraz and Marqués de Urquijo streets. Those in attendance carried Francoist flags of Spain, images of the Virgin and Jesus Christ, as well as rosaries and other religious amulets.

They have sung “Cara al Sol” and other anthems associated with the far right.

In a unprecedented and highly controversial decision, the TSJM on Thursday endorsed the call to pray the rosary together in the area of ​​Ferraz, after the government delegation in Madrid banned this because it was a day of reflection and election day. This transferred a ban resolution from the provincial electoral council, according to representative Francisco Martin.

The promoter of these prayers, far-right leader José Andrés Calderón, decided to appeal the government ban to the TSJM, which ultimately allowed the concentration. The court's unprecedented and disputed ruling indicates that there are no reasonable grounds to believe that this concentration aims to capture votes and that any gathering cannot be prohibited because it coincides with, among other things, election day or election day.

It should be recalled that following this decision, the PSOE asked the TSJM on Friday to temporarily stop the summons, arguing that its right to “effective judicial protection” had been violated by not being summoned as a party to the said proceedings and not was called upon to be able to formulate accusations “in defense of the electoral interests of the Socialist Party.”

Faith is not politics

After recalling that prayers had previously taken place in front of the PSOE headquarters in Ferraz in connection with the protests against the executive for the approval of the amnesty law, the Federal Group of Socialist Christians showed their rejection of “the use of the Christian faith ”. as a “political weapon thrown to intimidate socialist militants and sympathizers.”

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