61 percent of Germans would not regret the Liberal Party's departure from the Bundestag, according to a Forsa survey conducted by “Stern”. 37 percent want a parliament without a parliament FDP bad. Two percent said they had no opinion.
What is particularly important for the FDP is that 63 percent of its core clients, namely entrepreneurs, will not regret leaving the Bundestag. There is little sympathy among CDU/CSU supporters, 54 percent of whom would miss the Liberal Party in parliament. The majority of voters from the other partners in the traffic light coalition will not cry for the FDP: The SPDGreen Party voters reached 62 percent, even Green Party voters reached 76 percent.
However, a number of rigorous surveys show that the FDP has not lost everything. Of the voters who voted for the FDP in 2021 – then 11.5 percent or 5.3 million – 73 percent will regret leaving the Bundestag. Of the FDP's current supporters, 88 per cent would – of course – think their exit from parliament would be bad.