The ultra parties refuse to display emblems of support for the LGTBI+ group

To this we must add the controversy sparked by the popular mayor Maria José Catalá, that last wednesday advocated not to place LGBTIQ flags+ in the Valencian City Council, indicating that this does not happen on international days for some diseases such as ALS, cancer or Alzheimer's. Catalá justified herself by claiming that her words have been misinterpreted, and has advocated the neutrality of Valencian institutions in the face of what she believes is a social and not a political struggle.

“I don't want our lives to be part of a political program.”

The poetess Elvira Sastre reflects in favor of a world that must move in a broad and advanced direction, so that everyone can feel safe once and for all in a society, a priori progressive, which remains a danger in the infinite corners.

Let people with power who are far from these colors stay away from their ideologies and opinions. That no one has to remain ignorant your sexual orientation These are assumptions that do not need to be justified if there is not much left to fight for.

Former President of the Government José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero speaks during the ceremony for the presentation of the Rainbow Recognitions at the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, on June 27, 2023, in M

Already the work of Federico García lorrywhose theatrical writings and poetry have been claimed for years by the LGBTIQ+ collective, the shared abyss of Poet in New York in María Clementa Millán's edition for Cátedra y Lorca and the gay worldby Ian Gibson, beyond the outrage, a Tweet answered by an unscrupulous man who said that Lorca's sexuality had no relation to his poetry.

In Poet in New York There is not a single allusion to the homosexuality of the poet. Simply put, the book in question presents a brilliant, well-argued and adequately researched story that clearly and directly presents the problems that his sexual orientation posed for the Granada writer.

Consumption with pride or rainbow washing

From Lorca, an icon – proud to be one – of homosexuality, on the other side of the coin we have the commercial practice that 'dresses' brands and organizations in the colors of the rainbow during Pride month without making any substantial effort to improve the LGBTQ+ community throughout the year. There is a fine line between the two positions.

The eyes and the conversations about them #PRIDE They are more present than ever in the month of June. People prefer brands that are purposeful and inclusive. What they do not prefer are isolated communications actions to 'join the movement'.

Promoting non-discrimination in support of the group remains in borage waters, while diversity and equal rights are embedded in the foundations of the organization, such as inclusive recruitment policies, training in Diversity and inclusionGender identities, rights and awareness raising activities are conspicuous by their absence during the remaining eleven months of the year.

There are many moments when Pride is celebrated and reclaimed. The escape and the party. The explosion of 'something' that rightfully belongs to you. So sad and liberating. Hazards. Frustration: politics of terror.

I wish for a free society where you can feel safe, without danger in the endless reaches far away political ideologies and judgments that have little to do with your sexuality.

A time of greater openness, information channels and capacity to guarantee transgender rights is changing the mere desire for one free sexuality in a new generation of LGBTIQ+.

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