The Congress of Deputies finally approved the amnesty law on Thursday. From its publication in the BOE, the application of the law remains in the hands of the judiciary. The program 'What now?' This week asks for just that. Is the law constitutional? Can the courts hinder its application? The professor of criminal law at the Autonomous University of Madrid Manuel Cancio Meliá and the judge Ignacio González Vega answer these questions. EL PAÍS journalists Javier Casqueiro and Milagros Pérez Oliva will analyze everything that the debate in Congress will give rise to. This law has thwarted the campaign for the European Parliament elections and Spain's recognition of Palestine as a state. The program will analyze this issue with Huffpost Brussels correspondent Carmen Rengel and political scientist Óscar Rodríguez. 'And what now' will also address the problem of noise caused by large concerts in city centers and will also include the usual sections such as 'A microphone on the street' by Carlos García, 'Voice notes from the terrace' by the Cadena SER journalist Aida Bao, or 'Did you know…' by Antonio Nieto
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