vivo Y300 Pro leaked Earlier this month, when we saw its box detailing its massive 6,500mAh battery, a prototype powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 SoC has now been spotted on the Geekbench online database.
In three separate runs, it scored between 942 and 945 in the single-core test, while the multi-core result ranged from 2,791 to 2,824 in Geekbench 6 for Android.
The prototype in question has 12GB of RAM, but of course vivo may offer other variants. Thanks to SGS certification, it turns out that the Y300 Pro measures 163.28 x 76.29 x 7.69mm and weighs 195g. So it’s slightly heavier, lower, wider, and thicker than the Y200 Pro which was launched back in May.