Vox inaugurates its convention with Milei's ultra-opening acts in an act against 'criminal left'

Saturday morning 9:45 am. At the main entrance of the Vistalegre Arena Palace, the old arena of Madrid that today has been converted into a large venue for all kinds of events, barely a few dozen people are waiting for those responsible for security to let them through to attend the events of the second day of 'Viva 24', the “patriotic party” organized by Vox. However, little by little, more people came, mainly elderly people, who did not know that Santiago Abascal, to warm up the atmosphere, had planned a visit to greet his members and supporters and visit the stands installed in the hall. His arrival caused an uproar among his followers, who fought to take a selfie with him, photos that the leader himself later uploaded to the network.

But the big moment will be this Sunday, when the leader of the far right intervenes mid-morning and is then supported by the big star of the event, the President of Argentina, the ultra Javier Milei, who already did so yesterday. his first public appearance in Madrid to present his book at the headquarters of the newspaper La Razón. His “friend Santiago” was not missing at that event, whom he greeted warmly. However, his agenda does not include interviews with representatives of the Spanish government or with leaders of other parties, except Vox, and a group of businessmen that Milei has selected to his liking. Milei will undoubtedly be the highlight of the closing of 'Viva 24' this Sunday, together with the speech that the leader of Vox will give. The members of the European Parliament candidacy will also participate and take the opportunity to present the party manifesto for the elections to be held on June 9.

This 'Viva24' will also not lack the bouquet of special guests”, usual at Vox events: the most important European far-right leaders, such as the French Marine Le Pen, the Italian Giorgia Meloni, the Polish Mateusz Morawiecki, the Hungarian Viktor Orbán or the Chilean José Antonio Kast. Some will intervene electronically. Also invited are the Israeli Minister for the Fight against Anti-Semitism, Amijail Chikli, and the leader of the Portuguese Chega Party, André Ventura.

A party that was postponed due to Vox's failure in the general election

Last year, Abascal's celebration had to be postponed the third edition of its 'patriotic festival' with the excuse that Spain was immersed in 'political uncertainty' due to 'the impossibility of knowing the events of the coming weeks', i.e. whether or not there were new general elections in the case after the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Pedro Sánchez failed. That of the leader of the PP did not take place, but that of the leader of the PSOE, who managed to remain at the head of the government, did.

However, the reasons for not celebrating were other: Vox had suffered a major setback in the July 23 elections, losing 19 deputies – going from 57 to 33 seats. The economic crisis was added to the internal crisis and the party leadership decided to wait for better times. For this Abascal he promoted the National Assembly and managed to regain the throne without rivals or internal voting before the elections in Galicia, which meant a new failure for the party, which was once again without representation there.

Now Vox wants to regain strength with the new call this year for the 'patriotic festival' of Vistalegre, an emblematic place for Abascal since the far-right formation there It held its first conference in 2018 and managed to fill the hall with more than 10,000 people.. The event is apparently intended to kick off the European Parliament election campaign on June 9, after achieving a discreet result. in Catalonia, where they have barely received more support and the eleven deputies they had retained, while they have been far outpaced by a PP that started with three deputies and managed to expand to fifteen in the recent elections, making them the first anti-independence force.

According to party data, there are 160 accredited journalists from more than 90 media outlets and 16 countries – including elDiario.es no longer since Vox vetoed our request for help again –, and in which they hope to gather around 30,000 people. people throughout the weekend. To avoid leaking, Vox management has made it easier for provincial militants to travel to Madrid by chartering numerous free buses.

The party, which did not yet have everything, decided to extend the party for another day and yesterday, Friday, called on young members and sympathizers “under 30 years” to attend the event, but they were unable to do so. large capacity. Not this Saturday either, although the group has done everything it can to ensure that the main hall, where the closing ceremony and the most anticipated speeches will take place next Sunday, is full of people. From there, the guests, members and sympathizers followed the planned discussions and roundtable discussions this Saturday. One was about “Media and Political Power” and was moderated by Rebeca Crespo, from Periodista Digital. Antonio O'Mullony, director of La Gaceta de la Iberosfera – Vox's flagship media – took part; Hughes, one of the columnists; and Alonso de Mendoza, journalist and communications advisor at the ECR Group. The three have warned about “the critical and very complicated situation” facing the media, as well as “fake news” and the “propagation of hoaxes”, which they attribute to the Sánchez government and its associated media. A situation in which they blame not only the left, but also the 'traditional right', 'what our grandparents read', which they openly accuse of 'condoning phenomena such as transsexuality or illegal immigration', something that 'seems very serious'. ” to them. For example, he has cited the fact that “it has become normalized” that “Manolo is suddenly a woman, something that no one understands.” They have also expressed the opinion that the Sánchez government, in its desire to control the press, is “trying to silence even Trancas y Barrancas” – the puppets of El Hormiguero – because it seems to them that they are puppets” with too great a critical capacity.” The speakers have also regretted the 'general abuse' journalists give to Vox. But they have warned that “the dying snake is ultimately the most dangerous,” “which is why they are so eager to censor us, insult us and end us. ” “But we are winning and they know it,” he said.

Against 'criminal left'

Another colloquium was on “Voices of freedom against the criminal left”, presented by Eduardo Cader, director of Foro Madrid and head of the International Space of the Vox foundation, Disenso, which seated, among other Latin American guests, Francisco Sánchez , Minister of Worship of the Argentine Republic and Santiago Santurio, also an Argentine deputy. Cader began his speech by stating that “Spain, like Europe, has entered a change of era, what the criminal left once called the Bolivarian breeze” and that it is now “hurricane winds going in the opposite direction, winds of hope. 'and winds of freedom', as they think Milei brings to Argentina.

He has also predicted that in Venezuela, “that left” led by Nicolás Maduro, “which has worked as a bloc and enjoyed broad impunity for the past thirty years, knows very well that its time is over.” For their part, the two Argentine representatives paid high praise to the president of their country. According to what they both believe, the criminal left “does not accept the change of direction” they see in Europe and America, “and wants to kick the government, cheat, commit more crimes and end the voices of freedom. ” “But they will not be able to do that, they will not go through it,” they said, because “the patriotic and common sense forces that have grouped themselves in Foro Madrid, thanks to Vox and Santiago Abascal, have decided to fight and have decided to win the war. they declared, sharply criticizing the approval of the “binding divorce” by “the Alfonsinist government”, the “legalization of abortion” by former President Alberto Fernández, or the approval of the “homosexual marriage” that Cristina Kirchner her turn promoted.

They later recalled that “laws were also passed so that gender ideology was taught in schools to pervert our children and harm our society.”

In her speech, the Colombian senator also praised the ultra-Argentine president, who she said “has stretched out to defend freedom and now we have that challenge.” “The reality of the left's history is only failure, exile, poverty, fear and death,” he added.

Meanwhile, Magdalena, a retiree who called herself “very Catholic,” wore on the street a “pro-life” T-shirt, on the back of which she remembered some songs from the beginnings of singer-songwriter Víctor Manuel, from 1966, “then he was still 'I was not a communist'.

Guessing luck and selling pre-constitutional flags

This Saturday at the Vistalegre location there was a lot of clothing on display celebrating national symbols. Older women and men dressed in the Spanish flag as a cape, caps and many bracelets and Vox merchandise, which a group of volunteers sold in a marquee at the entrance to the Palace. Among them a pair of octogenarians, Antonio and Domingo, who came to Viva24 from Móstoles with the intention of “not missing anything”, let alone Abascal and Milei. “Tomorrow will be a great day,” they predicted.

In one of the stalls, visitors could also try their luck at a roulette wheel with the image of the most important leaders of the parties from the political spectrum: if you came across one from Vox, the prize was a patriotic bracelet. Otherwise you would leave empty handed.

Flag enthusiasts can also choose from a wide range, including the Franco-pre-constitutional Spanish flag, which was seen camouflaged among many others.

Everything to earn 'cash'. As published at the time The SpanishIn the previous edition of Viva22, the far-right party charged 200 euros to occupy a table at the people's market and 2,000 euros to companies for their stands in a prominent space.

While Abascal and Milei address their supporters tomorrow, a demonstration called by several “anti-fascist” associations and “civil society” groups will take place in Madrid's Plaza de Colón to protest against the presence in Madrid of far-right leaders who have traveled to the capital to support Abascal and promote his European candidacy. Participants in the march will also include activists from the LGBTIQ+ community, such as Franek Broda, cousin of former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, one of Abascal's guests.

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